Burning sensation in the throat

Any problems with the throat give their owner a lot of trouble. Because of burning in the throat, for example, it hurts to speak, it is uncomfortable to eat, and even at rest, discomfort is felt. Because of this problem, a person becomes irritable and tense. But it is necessary to fight it not only to restore mental balance. Burning can signal some serious diseases, which for health are very real threats.

Causes of burning sensation in the throat

Very often the cause of the problem is heartburn. It appears when gastric juice gets on the mucosa of the esophagus, which causes irritation. This injury can be compared with a burn. The fact is that the mucosa of the esophagus has a neutral pH level, and the acid, even in small amounts, quickly corrodes it. The more matter gets on the mucosa, the deeper will be the burn, and accordingly, the more unpleasant the sensations will have to experience.

To promote the appearance of burning sensation in the throat may be improper nutrition. Very often from the discomfort in the throat people suffer, lying on coffee, sour, sharp, too salty and fatty food. Provoke an attack of heartburn under the power and hot baking, black bread and tomato juice.

Sometimes the causes of burning in the throat are diseases. Particularly dangerous ailments look like this:

Irritation can also be caused by fungi and infections. In the risk zone are people who work in adverse conditions, constantly in contact with hazardous substances. Adverse to the state of the mucous membrane affects tobacco smoke, so smokers with a burning sensation in the throat face more often people leading a healthy lifestyle.

Dry cough and unpleasant sensations in the throat are familiar to people who often and often have to talk or sing. In some cases, burning is a consequence of serious mental disorders.

If the burning sensation in the throat appears after eating, it is likely that you have reflux esophagitis. In this case, the patient is also infested with hiccups, eructations and frequent heartburn.

As you can see, there are a lot of burning causes. And if some of them can easily disappear by themselves, others require professional intervention and quite serious treatment.

Treatment of burning in the throat

Of course, to get rid of the problem once and for all, you need to undergo a comprehensive examination and reliably determine the cause of the disease. You can stop the seizure with the help of means that should be in any home.

  1. The best remedy for heartburn, which helps and with a burning sensation in the throat, is water with soda. Dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water and drink the mixture in one gulp. Discomfort disappears a few minutes after admission.
  2. Well if the house has almonds. Bat the peanuts with boiling water to make them peel off the skin. Read them well before you eat.
  3. Excellent from the burning sensation helps a solution of honey. Sweetness can be dissolved with water or simply with a glass of liquid.
  4. A chamomile broth influences the body.
  5. During an attack, activated charcoal will help.

The best pharmacy means against severe burning in the throat are:

To avoid seizures in the future, try to revise your diet, to ensure the humidification of the air in the room where you most often are. While the throat does not heal, try to eat only soft and warm food. During the recovery period, it is not recommended to talk much.