Often sore throat

Pain and perspiration in the throat appear due to various reasons. In most cases this occurs as a result of the development of sore throats or colds. With proper treatment, coping with unpleasant sensations can be relatively quick. If the throat hurts often - it can indicate the transition of the disease to a chronic form. Sometimes this situation occurs because of an incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis.

Why often does my throat hurt?

The reasons for the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the throat are many:

1. Allergic reaction, which can occur as a result of contact with any substance. It is advisable to pass a special test, indicating the cause of poor health.

2. Constant tension of the vocal cords. In general, the disease is affected by singers, actors and popular orators.

3. Dry air, which irritates the mucous, causing pain.

4. Infectious diseases:

5. Often the cause of very frequent pain in the throat is gastro-food reflux. Irritation of the pharynx is due to fluid rising from the stomach. Unpleasant sensations will pass after elimination of the gastrointestinal anatomy.

6. Neoplasms. In this case, it is necessary to contact a specialist as soon as possible.

7. Poor ecology. Heavy contaminants in the air settle on the mucous larynx, thus irritating it, which causes unpleasant sensations.

What if I have a sore throat?

With persistent or recurring pain in the throat, it is necessary to appear to a specialist who will prescribe all the necessary tests. Starting from them, he will make an accurate diagnosis. After the treatment is prescribed.

In any case, regardless of the diagnosis, there are several key points that can improve the overall condition. So, for example, during therapy it is necessary to monitor your diet. The first thing to do is to exclude foods and dishes that aggravate the state of the throat: sharp, spicy, hot, cold, salty, hard. The basis of the diet should be cereals, soups, purees, boiled or steamed vegetables. It is advisable to exclude flour. If you are in urgent need, you can eat a soft piece of bread.

As a natural antiseptic, you need to use honey. But in no case it can not be added to hot tea - under the influence of heat, most of the beneficial properties are lost. The product should be consumed in small portions and only in its pure form.

Also, to facilitate the situation, a warm drink will help. The maximum temperature of the liquid should not exceed a mark of 70 degrees.

What to do for prevention if very often sore throat?

Prevention, as well as treatment as a whole, directly depends on the causes of the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the throat. If the pain is formed as a result of an acute respiratory disease, you should try to observe precautionary measures to resist the disease. One of the most effective is the avoidance of sick people and mass places during the epidemic.

In addition, it is important that the immune system always works at the proper level. To do this you need:

However, to prevent the disease, you need to rinse. This is especially important in cold and wet weather. To do this, use a weak solution of sage, eucalyptus or soda with salt. In this case, you should start the rinse cycle with a warm mixture. Gradually, the temperature must be lowered until the water becomes cold. Thus, not the entire organism, but only the throat, will be tempered.