31 weeks of pregnancy - the norm of ultrasound

Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to grow actively and develop rapidly. Usually, moms are prescribed ultrasound at the age of 31 - 32 weeks of pregnancy in order to make sure everything is good with the baby. With ultrasound examination at this time, it can be seen that the fetus weighs approximately one kilogram and three hundred grams, and the child's height is about 45 centimeters.

Compared with an earlier survey, ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation shows that the baby's brain is actively developing, resulting in the formation of the nervous system. Also, the iris of the eyes was formed, which is especially noticeable with 3D ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation. With a long examination, it happens that the baby covers his face with handles from the radiations of the ultrasound device. Of course, many parents want to see the features of their future baby, record everything on the disc, take a few pictures. But there are factors in which even cutting-edge technologies can not show the child to the smallest detail:

Therefore, it is better to do a simple ultrasound and not to torment the child. After all, you still have time to admire them when the baby is born, and unnecessary exposure to it to anything.

Normal results of ultrasound at 31 weeks of gestation

At a period after thirty weeks, the baby should not fall behind the established norms. That is why, during pregnancy in 30 to 31 weeks, an ultrasound is performed, with the help of which the fetal size is observed. So, what should be the fetometry at 31 weeks:

Also, when performing ultrasound, the doctor looks at the size of the long bones of the fetus. Under normal development, the parameters will be as follows:

If the ultrasound study shows that the child does not develop properly, the doctor determines the cause of this phenomenon and prescribes treatment. It can be a diet, a bed rest, treatment in a hospital. But in any case, the treatment methods are selected for each situation separately. So, dear women, visit the doctor regularly for a routine examination and then everything will be all right!