Cherry - benefit and harm

The tree came to us from Greece, it was grown in ancient times. For quite some time people have appreciated its taste and medicinal qualities, the ancient author, Lucullus, the commander of the army of Ancient Rome, who brought trees to Rome in the first century of our era, wrote about the benefits of these fruits. The word "cherry", Latin roots, it occurs from the word "xerasa". New varieties appear every day, a fruit tree spread from Asia Minor to Norway. Fruits are fragrant, rich in nutrients, vitamins and trace elements.

What is the nutritional value of these fruits, what are their properties and what is the benefit and harm of cherry for the human body - read below.

Effects on the body

  1. Cherry helps to remove from the body decay products, toxins, helps with gastrointestinal disorders, which brings undoubted benefits to the body, normalizes the level of fluid and helps treat a disease like arthritis .
  2. The three-day cherry diet will refresh, improve digestion and help lose weight.
  3. In fruits, many carbohydrates, but mostly fructose and glucose. The content of sucrose is so low that it can be administered in moderate amounts to the diet of diabetic patients.
  4. Fruits of sweet cherries are rich in vitamins, are beneficial and have medicinal properties.

Benefits and harms of cherries for health

Fruits of sweet cherry - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, contain almost the entire periodic table. For example, iodine increases the production of thyroid hormones, normalizing metabolism, positively affects the function of the thyroid gland and a good preventive against anti-Graves disease. Phosphorus, calcium , iron and vitamins play an important role in the formation of bones and teeth. And that is especially important for pregnant women and small children - regulate the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Cherry is rich in vitamins. C - protects against "bad" cholesterol, reducing its ability to accumulate on the walls of arteries, A, PP and vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B12).

Applying to the aching whiskey shredded fruit, you can get rid of migraines. Daily consumption of 250 g of fruit helps to cope with gout.


Like any other product, the sweet cherry has a number of contraindications besides its benefits. The problem is not in the berry, but in those who and how it consumes. Small fruits of sweet cherry will be harmful to health, if you do not overcook them mercilessly your body, they will only benefit.

Sweet cherry can harm people with intestinal obstruction, flatulence, a diabetic patient suffering from an ulcer and gastritis with high acidity.

It is also not recommended to eat fruits immediately after meals.