Diseases of pigeons and their treatment

Unfortunately owners of pigeons, these practically domesticated birds are sick often enough. And the diseases of domestic pigeons threaten not only their own health, but also the health of people. The variety of diseases of these birds has, in most cases, one cause - infection. The main signs of pigeon disease are most often visually apparent: a painful appearance, a staggering gait, unusual head position, spots on the beak, discharge from the eyes and their redness. Self-treatment of pigeon diseases can result in the death of birds, so at the first alarming signs it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist. Consider the most common ailments of these birds.


The name of the twig this pigeon disease was due to the fact that the sick bird performs characteristic movements in the head. The reason is a paramyxovirus that affects the central nervous system of the bird. If pigeons turn their heads, the disease is guaranteed to end with the death of birds from exhaustion. There is no treatment, but preventing pigeon diseases with vitamins can prevent bird epilepsy. If on day 35 of life the birds are injected with the drug Colombovac PMV, then they will develop immunity for a year.


Appearance on the paws, beak, in the eyes of red specks, which acquire a gray-yellow color, the bird is obliged to the pigeon-type ultravirus. It is he that causes smallpox. In a short period, the mucous membranes of the mouth, goiter, larynx and nasopharynx are affected. Pigeons open their beaks and make hoarse sounds. Specific treatment of smallpox is absent. If the bird survives, it will gain lifelong immunity.


Ornithosis refers to a dangerous disease for humans, pigeons, since it is caused by an airway that damages the respiratory tract. The disease is very difficult. The infection, released together with the breathing of a sick bird, can be active for another two weeks. How to recognize the disease? The bird is noisy breathing, wheezing, losing weight, does not fly, the eyes reveal secret, paralysis of legs and wings can be noted. Sick doves are afraid of light, feathers around their eyes. If the disease is started, it is better to destroy the bird, because the infectious diseases of pigeons can devastate all your dovecot. The mild form of ornithosis is successfully treated with Orni Injection, Orni Cure. There is no prophylaxis.


This name is worn by salmonella in pigeons. With this disease the pigeon can infect the entire flock, so the measures must be taken without delay. The fact that the bird is sick will prompt such symptoms: intestinal disorders, sterility of adults, unfertilized eggs, death of embryos, dirty tail feathers, trembling of wings. What to do? First, to put the pigeons-vectors of diseases in a separate room. Secondly, disinfect the pigeon. The sick bird should be treated with Para Cure, TRIL-A, CuraL and in the second half of November, all birds should be prevented with the Salmo PT vaccine.


If you make a rating, what diseases the pigeons carry with the greatest speed, then trichomoniasis will take the first position. Trichomonads, living on mucous diseased birds, quickly fall into the water, into the general food, to the litter. A bird infected with this infection suffocates from swelling of the pharynx, esophagus, larynx. In most cases, the final is death. If the time to start treatment with drugs Tricho Cure, then the life of a dove can be saved. As a preventive measure, Tricho Cure is used (it is given to birds 2-3 days a month).

In the list of common diseases that often affect pigeons, also coccidosis (treatment: the preparation of Coccicure for 6 days), worms (preparations are very toxic, so they are used very rarely), paramyxovirus (incurable).