Red-bellied turtle at home - rules for keeping

An undemanding and omnivorous red-bellied tortoise at home was always popular. These creatures can boast fantastic endurance and longevity, but vendors rarely devote newcomers to the details of caring for reptiles, which leads to annoying mistakes and even the death of pets.

Red-bellied turtles at home - contents

Reflecting on the nuances of the question of how to keep a red-bell turtle at home, you must first think about the terrarium . Unscrupulous animal dealers do not always mention that turtles are able to grow to an impressive 30 cm in diameter, so you can not do without a solid aquarium. Reptiles quickly pollute their habitat, a spacious container with quality and properly selected equipment will greatly facilitate the task of an aspiring amateur to care for exotic pets.

Life span of red-bellied turtles at home

In the wild environment, turtles have enough enemies, here they are trapped by diseases, various natural phenomena, therefore, until their thirtieth birthday, they live no more than 1% of the total number of reptiles. In the question of how many live red-bellied turtles live at home, it all depends on a person's qualifications and his responsible attitude towards pets. Due to the poor level of care in the home terrarium, these pets on average do not often live longer than 15 years, but there are many evidences when, in ideal conditions, they celebrated their 40th anniversary together with the owners.

Aquariums for Red-bellied Turtles

Turtles are born up to 3 cm in size, but by the 3 rd year they are able to grow up to 15 cm with proper nutrition, therefore, at the stage of purchasing a terrarium, one should immediately think about purchasing a spacious tank. Thinking about what an aquarium for a red-bell turtle will be the most successful, give preference to glass tanks with a volume of 100 liters (even better from 200 liters) per one adult. It is advisable to choose low and wide tanks with a large bottom area, up to 25% of the space you will have to allocate for the arrangement of an artificial shoreline.

The land needs reptiles for rest and adoption of "sunny" baths, here they dry their bodies under ultraviolet lamps and warm themselves after water procedures. To the pets did not escape, do not place artificial islands closer than 30 cm from the edge of the aquarium and take care of the solid cover for the terrarium with ventilation holes. Red-bellied turtle at home requires a pool with a depth of the water layer of 40 cm. The islets are made strong, with rough ground and slope from the bottom, you can use ready-made store structures.

What does a red-bellied turtle need in an aquarium?

To solve the problem of how to equip an aquarium for a red-bellied tortoise, you need to purchase a complete list of the most necessary instruments. With suitable adaptations it is easier to maintain an optimal microclimate inside the terrarium, a stable temperature of the aquatic environment. The decoration of the interior space has an aesthetic value, without artificial plants, snags and grottoes, a red-bellied turtle's house looks poor and unpresentable at home.

Main equipment for home terrarium:

Water temperature for red-bellied turtle in aquarium

Red-bellied turtle in domestic conditions spends most of the time in the aquatic environment, so its standing directly affects the health of the reptile. We make sure that the water temperature is kept within 22-28 ° C. When it decreases, the animals become sluggish, their appetite decreases, immunity worsens. If the temperature is high, then the animals do not swim, they sit more on the island, which negatively affects their health. Water for red-bellied turtles at home is used purified and constant, without impurities of ammonia and chlorine.

Care for decorative turtle turtle

Ultraviolet and ordinary lamps illuminate the terrarium up to 12 hours a day, we have them at a height of 25 cm. Under the rays of the real sun of reptiles, we carry out in the summer at a temperature of 20 ° C, gradually accustoming them to natural light. Even with a filter, we replace the water in the terrariums up to 2 times a week. Decorative red-turtle at home care is not recommended for walking on the floor, here it can easily catch a draft in the draft or swallow a small object.

What to feed a red-bellied turtle at home?

Young animals require a strong diet with animal proteins, the main food for adolescents is offered once a day, in addition they can eat salad or algae, which we keep in the terrarium. Adult individuals with a size of 7 cm feed once every 2-3 days, half of the diet is made from vegetable feed. It is better to use raw food at a strictly room temperature. To feed red-bellied turtles use ready-frozen frozen food or home-made products.

What do red-eared turtles eat at home:

How to breed red-bellied turtles at home?

At the age of 5-6 years, it is possible to reproduce red-bellied turtles at home, mating is better occurs from April to May. It is optimal to keep one male for several partners, in case of rivalry aggressive individuals are able to inflict injuries on the opponents. On the eve of mating, we increase the dose of vitamins and basic foods. We set off the turtles in pairs, so that the neighbors do not interfere with the fights of the process of reproduction.

The water temperature in the terrarium is maintained at 25 ° C. Often, an aggressive male does not want to release a female from the pool, and it chokes, so we pour a liquid no more than 10 cm. Marriage games can be delayed for several days, at this time turtles at home do not bother. The eggs of the female are deposited up to 10 pieces, they should be placed in the incubator at a temperature of 26-30 ° C. The embryo develops approximately 2-5 months, it is desirable to keep the young animals up to a year in a separate aquarium.