How to remove fleas from a kitten?

The appearance of fleas from a small meowing pet is a disagreeable phenomenon. It can simply irritate the owner with the appearance of a kitten, which is constantly itchy, and can frighten the owner with the possibility of colonizing the entire apartment with parasites. Also, we should not exclude the possibility of complications with health in an animal. All these fears are equally important to live, so the question of how to remove fleas from a kitten, is at the earliest signs of the presence of parasites.

What are the fears of fleas in small kittens?

These small parasitic creatures pose a serious threat to the organism of a young pet. Fleas may well provoke the appearance of anemia, as the kitten's lack of claws does not allow him to protect himself from insect bites.

There are a lot of ways to get rid of the unwanted "tenants" from the pet. However, not all of them can bring a lasting result, ensuring the absence of a repeated attack of parasites. This is due to the fact that most modern tools can exert a destructive effect only on adults, and not on their heirs, which appear from deferred eggs. This explains the need for comprehensive measures aimed at getting rid of parasites.

The kitten has fleas - what to do?

First, you need to treat the animal fur with a special shampoo against fleas. He is able to stop the vital activity of not only active parasitic individuals, but also to destroy the eggs laid by them. After the product has been applied to the skin of a kitten, it is necessary to maintain the recommended length of time in the instructions and wash it off. However, this is not all, since relapse remains quite probable. The following actions aimed at removing fleas from kittens will be the following:

  1. From re-infestation of kitten parasites will help to save special drops and a collar against fleas.
  2. If there are difficulties with swimming (and few can avoid them), then you can use anti-fleet sprays, which are very quickly and easily applied to the pet's fur. However, there is an important nuance: for a while the animal can not be licked, and this is sometimes even more difficult than to bathe it. Ignoring this recommendation is fraught with severe poisoning.
  3. If the kitten has a very sensitive skin that reacts to the chemical components of the shampoos, you can make a decoction or tincture of wormwood seeds and add it to soap or other industrial product for bathing pets.

Tips on how to get rid of fleas from kittens

In the process of how antiparasitic procedures will be carried out, it is worth not neglecting the following recommendations:

The final stage of the war with fleas will be a total cleaning of the apartment from not past bloodsuckers. You can use aerosols, drops or folk methods.