What is the difference between a German Shepherd and an Eastern European?

The name is not the only thing that distinguishes a German shepherd from the East European. It begins with the fact that the Eastern European sheepdog is considered a variety of German.

How to distinguish a German shepherd from an Eastern European?

The difference between the German Shepherd and the Eastern European is that, as a rule, the Eastern European shepherd is larger and wider than the German shepherd, stands out more powerful paws, the thorax with a clear turn. Girls of the East European breed may outnumber males of German shepherds. It is not difficult to distinguish the German shepherd from the Eastern European in size and height of the back: in the "Eastern Europeans" the back has a smooth line, 2-3 cm longer at the withers, while the "Germans" spin forms an arc that is visible to the naked eye. The type of dog movement will tell you how to distinguish a German shepherd. Because of the different structure of the front and rear extremities, the "Germans" and "Easterners" move in different ways. In the "easters", the paws are proportional to the size of the body, their pitch is softer and smoother, and the Germans have longer forelegs, it moves with a low trotting trot, as if squatting to the ground.

Temperament is another indicator than the Eastern European shepherd dog differs from German. German Shepherds are very active and slightly choleric, this is due to the original purpose of this breed - grazing sheep and guarding the herd. The German Shepherd needs to move a lot, and if you are active, then with this dog you will easily find a common language. They are loyal and faithful companions, love children, are always inclined to communicate.

European shepherds are less playful and active, more suitable for protecting property and at home. Severe and serious dogs of this breed will not cause harm to the owner and members of his family, but are very wary of strangers.

In any case, you will be able to distinguish the German shepherd from the East European on these main signs, and choose a loyal and fearless friend.