When can I give kittens?

Do you like cats very much and decided to take a little kitten? Then, before doing this, ask when the breeder can give kittens without harming their health. Some believe that the earlier the kitten is taken away from the mother cat, the sooner he will get used to his masters. This is a great misconception.

There are certain skills that a cat needs to be taught by a cat. The kid should learn to eat on his own, use a scratching pad , a tray , watch his hygiene. In addition, social adaptation of the kitten is very important. This means that he must be educated by his mother, not by a man.

From the age of six months the cat begins to educate its young, who first fight-play with their sisters and brothers. Then for the kitten comes time to find out the relationship with her mother. And then the cat can, at times very rigidly, in our opinion, suppress the sagging child. In the process of education, the cat sometimes bites the mustache of the kitten in order to make it worse in space. She can drive a baby, hitting it with a paw, pointing to its place in the cat's hierarchy. This introduction of the kitten into the society ends about two months. And already at this time you can give the kittens to a new house.

There is another reason why you should not give the kitty early: vaccination. Of course, a mongrel kitten is unlikely to be vaccinated, but pedigreed babies need to be vaccinated in two months. By this age, they have lost innate immunity to various diseases, which they received with milk from the vaccinated mother. At the age of eight weeks the kitten is vaccinated, and at about twelve weeks - re-vaccination. How much time after vaccination can give kittens? At this time, the kitten's body is very vulnerable, and moving to a new home for it is a great stress. Therefore, within two weeks after re-vaccination, the kitten must still live next to his mother.

How many months do they give kittens?

The minimum age for transferring a kitten to a new family is two months, but it is better if it is done after fifteen weeks, when the baby is already fully adapted to life without a mother. So, if you want to take a healthy kitten and not have problems with it in the future, it's up to you to decide at what age they give or take kittens.