Chihuahua training

Chihuahua is a cheerful, very mobile and courageous dog.

A brief description of the Chihuahua looks like this: energetic, intelligent, faithful and sonorous dog. With dwarfish growth, the Chihuahuas are able to look down. Curiosity and loyalty of these dogs knows no bounds. A pet of this breed, with proper education, will bring you joy always.

How to bring up the Chihuahua?

It is important to begin the process of raising a dog from the moment the puppy appears in the house. Chihuahua very quickly adapt to a new family, even in adulthood. At the same time, they develop stereotypes very quickly. The lost time of education will lead to the opposition of the characters.

The main thing in education is to inculcate the "right" habits of chihuahua. Paddock and meals on schedule in allotted places. To depart from the rules is strictly not recommended. Several times, feed the pet from the table and he will demand "pieces" all the time. And if you do not allow a baby to chew on furniture in puppy age and bark for nothing, then there will never be such problems in the house. To consolidate the result, positive habits need to be regularly and pleasantly encouraged.

A pesika for pranks must be punished emotionally. Insult and indignation in the owner's voice will make the dog think about what he has done. Correct actions should be encouraged with praise.

How to train Chihuahua?

Despite the tiny growth, dogs of the Chihuahua breed need training not less than large dogs. Even with the relatively high intelligence for dogs, for the pet to become obedient, the efforts of the chihuahua must be made to educate. With the proper training, the dog of this breed is able to master even the protective-guard training course, not to mention a general course or a course of obedience.

To participate in dog shows, the dog must be taught to wear a collar. The Chihuahua collar is an annoying object, which he will certainly try to take off. Therefore, accustom it gradually, starting from five minutes a day.

To achieve success in the process of training will help a clear sequence of actions:

Be sure to praise the dog for the right team.

Only endless patience, unshakable composure and strict sequence of the host will become the key to the success of training.