This couple of newlyweds once blew up the Internet, and today they talked about it again

No wonder they say that you need to be born happy, not beautiful! Well, happiness is not in beauty or money.

It's about one family couple, which the internet was not discussed only by the lazy one. They proved that love is the main thing in a person's life.

When several years ago these wedding photos came to the network, they flew on forums and social networks, they were transferred via bluetooth and MMS. And no one could believe that these are real people, not photoshop, staging or any joke. Then there were versions that the wedding was played on the dispute, but it was not so.

They are real people, and they married for love, as a result of which they had a wonderful and beautiful baby.

When you look at their photos, you can see how the newlyweds shine with happiness, and let them not like everyone else, but many others do not know the happiness in which these colorful spouses live.

Of course, they had to endure many ridicule, mockeries and insults in their address, but love was stronger than evil tongues, and they are happy despite all.

Do not leave their Internet audience and now, many wonder how the fate of these newlyweds. And from them, as we see, everything is very good, so I want to wish them only further happiness.