Cold on the lips during pregnancy

As is known, in the period of expectation of the child, immunity is significantly reduced in women, which often leads to an exacerbation of all kinds of chronic diseases, as well as the activation of various viruses. One of them is the herpes virus, which is present in the body of more than 90% of people. In a normal healthy state, human defenses successfully fight and suppress this virus, however, in an "interesting" situation, the situation is quite different.

Often, a cold on the lip appears during pregnancy, even in women who have never encountered the herpes virus before. Very often, future mothers are lost and do not know what to do to get rid of this unpleasant disease. In this article, we will tell you how to treat a cold on the lips during pregnancy, and whether it can be dangerous to the health and vitality of the future mother and her baby.

Is it dangerous to have a cold on the lip during pregnancy?

The majority of women who face herpes in the period of expectation of the child, had already repeatedly suffered from it repeatedly. In such a situation, the unexpected cold on the lip is almost safe, because the unborn baby is under the protection of maternal antibodies, which means that the probability of infection does not exceed 5 percent.

If a cold appears in a woman who is preparing to become a mother, for the first time, this can have a very negative impact, both on the health and life of the fetus, and during pregnancy. With active reproduction, the herpes virus successfully penetrates the placenta and with a probability of 50-60% affects the unborn baby. In this situation, the crumbs may break the formation of any internal organs and systems. Such children often have hearing and vision impairments, severe brain defects, central nervous system lesions, mental and physical lag, and in the most difficult situations, a child can die right in the womb.

In addition, the cold on the lips, which appeared in the future mother during pregnancy in the first trimester, significantly increases the threat of miscarriage. Even if the fetus can be saved, the probability of having a sick child grows many times, so in some cases, after conducting a detailed examination, the doctor recommends terminating the pregnancy.

What to smear a cold on the lip during pregnancy?

In any case, even if an exacerbation of the herpes virus is routine for you, if you have a cold on the lip during pregnancy, always pay attention to your doctor. Having conducted the necessary methods of examination, a qualified doctor will prescribe the appropriate medications that can be used to suppress the activity of the virus and, if necessary, strengthen the immunity.

Treatment of colds on the lips during pregnancy, especially in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, is complicated by the fact that most of the usual drugs during this period of life can not be used. In particular, any tablets for oral administration are prohibited.

Typically, doctors prescribe pregnant women such antiviral drugs for topical use, as Zovirax, oxolinic or alizarin ointment. They should be applied to the affected area of ​​the skin or mucosa approximately 5-6 times a day for a week or 10 days.

You can also use special antiherpetic lipsticks or lip balms with a natural extract of tea tree. In addition, often future mothers smear rashes on the lips with Corvalol solution, vaseline, vegetable or sea-buckthorn oil, rosehip broth or the famous toothpaste of the Russian manufacturer "Forest Balsam".