What sosudosuzhivayuschie drops can be pregnant?

Runny nose during pregnancy is noted quite often. The reasons for this can be a lot: viral, colds, which are becoming more frequent in this period due to a decrease in the immunity of a future mother. Before the onset of gestation in this case, it is enough to use drops in the nose. However, during pregnancy they are prohibited. Consider this situation in more detail, and find out: what drops pregnant can be, and whether vasoconstrictors are allowed, eliminating obstruction in the nose.

What are the dangerous vasoconstrictive drops for pregnant women?

Doctors are afraid with concern about these drugs, their use during the carrying of the baby. The thing is that with a small dosage they have a local effect. However, it is only necessary to overdo it, to use them often and for a long time, inevitably the action of active substances on the vessels of the placenta. As a result, such treatment is fraught with deterioration of the trophic function of the child's place, a violation of the process of delivery to the fetus of nutrients and oxygen. As a result, the likelihood of developing oxygen deficiency is high.

What can be used from the common cold during gestation?

Finding out why you can not use vasoconstrictive drops in the nose to pregnant women for the treatment of colds, let's name those drugs that can be used at this time.

To begin with, it should be noted that appointments are all performed exclusively by a doctor, and a woman must follow them strictly. The best and most effective, harmless means for pregnancy is saline solution, all kinds of sprays based on sea water. The most common of them are Aquamaris , Marimer, Salin. These drugs gently affect the nasal mucosa. An excellent preparation for treating a common cold in pregnancy is Pinosol. It is created on the basis of essential oils, which contribute to the restoration of the mucous membrane, relieve its puffiness, as a result, eliminate the stuffiness.

Thus, the use of vasoconstrictive drugs, such as Sanorin, Naphthyzine, Otrivin, Nazivin, - during pregnancy is unacceptable.

In exceptional cases, physicians allow single use of ximetazoline-based drugs, such as Ximelin, Galazoline.