Mistletoe white for weight loss

There is such grass - the mistletoe is white. It has long been considered a universal medicine for many diseases, and now properties that allow it to be used to lose weight are still open.

Properties of mistletoe white

Mistletoe white for weight loss allows you to artificially create a saturation effect, why you will not overeat, and lose weight will be much easier. However, if you eat pies and rolls, mistletoe will not help you: it is important to adhere to the elementary norms of healthy nutrition. Another plus of mistletoe - it affects the metabolism, and yet when it works fast - fat is actively spent on life.

Mistletoe white: tincture

The way of applying mistletoe white has strict boundaries: it can not be drunk more than 5 days in a row. And the scheme of reception is as follows:

It is believed that during this time, you can lose up to 5 kg of excess weight, provided that the correct, limited supply on all days.

Mistletoe white: contraindications

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