Herbs to reduce appetite

Many women, taking up their figure, choose a strict diet, withstand the first half of the day ... and in the second they are full. And so, failure after a breakdown, the diet is postponed, and the weight remains on the same indicator. It is very difficult to calm the feeling of hunger, especially to those who are accustomed to overeat, there is a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. But you can fight it with harmless methods. For example, using tea to reduce your appetite.

Herbs to reduce appetite: action

Many people are interested in knowing which herbs reduce appetite and how it can be used. In fact, do not wait for the effect of a juicy steak: any tea will only help to some extent to reduce appetite , but it is unlikely to work if you are surrounded by seductive smells or if you are considering mouth-watering images of food.

In order to really want to have a drink. It is important to protect yourself from talking about food, from its images and smells - in this case your phyto-therapy will be more effective. In addition, perfectly works and employment - if you are passionate about something, then you probably will not reach the refrigerator in the near future.

It is important to understand the chemistry of the process itself. It is useless to count on the fact that some grass beats off the appetite if you eat too much sweet, fatty and floury. The fact is that these products contribute to the sharp leaps of sugar in the blood, because of which you and embrace the feeling of hunger. Therefore, you should, first of all, abandon these products harmful to you, and only then plan additional measures. It is possible that even one refusal of sweet, fatty and floury will significantly reduce your craving for snacks.

Herbs that reduce and suppress appetite

So, if you have already firmly decided to start taking herbs, dulling your appetite, pay attention to the following list. The action is different, but some can be combined. Do not forget that plants that suppress appetite should like you to taste - it shows that the body takes them. If something from this list is pleasant to you on the supposed effect, but does not suit you to taste, it is better to look for a plant replacement.

  1. Lucerne is a herb that improves the functioning of the kidneys and the digestive tract as a whole. It is taken as tea several times a day.
  2. Spirulina is a seaweed that is produced in tablets and in powder. It has general strengthening properties, it is rich in proteins, contains a lot of nutrients and, to some extent, it can reduce appetite.
  3. Nettle - in any pharmacy you can buy nettle tea, which is very useful for women during menstruation, and also reduces appetite.
  4. Oregano is a medicinal plant with a diuretic effect, which is not suitable for everyone. In addition, oregano is incredibly useful for the liver and helps to suppress appetite somewhat. It is taken three times a day for one third of the glass before meals.
  5. Milk thistle is a medicinal plant that is also useful for the work of the liver and fights against fat in the body. It is taken on a teaspoon of a dry mixture, which is washed down with water. It has a laxative effect, it can not be accepted by everyone.
  6. Burdock - decoction from its root has long been considered an excellent remedy for hunger ... and for the beauty of hair.
  7. Laminaria is a dried sea ​​kale , which can be added instead of salt to different ready-made meals. It is believed that it improves the thyroid gland, promotes normalization of cell nutrition and reduces appetite. In case of severe hunger, you can eat a teaspoon of kelp and drink it with a glass of water.

If you have decided how to reduce your appetite with folk remedies, be sure to consult a doctor - perhaps your chronic illnesses are a contraindication to the use of this or that remedy.