Elevated estradiol

Estradiol is the main hormone in the estrogen group. And it can be present both in the body of a man and a woman. It is necessary for the development of the female body as a whole and the sexual system in particular. Its effect on the body is the manifestation of signs of a "female figure". The hormone estradiol in women accumulates in the ovaries, but during pregnancy it can be allocated by the placenta. Therefore, the reasons for the increase in estradiol are very diverse and lie not only in the lifestyle of the patient.

The norm of estradiol in the body of a woman should correspond to the level of testosterone. But this value can vary depending on a certain phase of the menstrual cycle. For example, the rates of increase in estradiol in the luteal phase are usually over 250 pg / ml. But high estradiol in the first phase (over 120 pg / ml) is usually associated with rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg. In addition, during the cycle, there may be an "unplanned" excess of estradiol in women, and after ovulation, its level may drop dramatically.

Estradiol at a normal level helps to strengthen the muscles of the heart and prevent many heart diseases. In addition, it positively affects the smooth muscles of the intestine and bladder. It also has a weak anabolic effect, suppresses lactation and lowers cholesterol. Therefore, before you look for ways to reduce estradiol, consult your doctor if this is really necessary.

In pregnancy, etcradiol is necessary to maintain the health of a future mother and preserve the fetus. Elevated estradiol in pregnancy is the norm. And the maximum amount of the hormone is observed just before delivery (more than 500 pg / ml).

High estradiol in women is observed:

In addition, high estradiol appears after taking some drugs:

To think about the fact that estradiol is elevated, it follows, if the monthly cycle began to lose. This is an "alarm bell" in order to take tests and check the level of the hormone in the blood. Before taking the test, you need to exclude the intake of dietary supplements, certain medications, suspend physical activity and abandon sexual activity. Usually, two analyzes are performed on different days of the cycle.

Treatment of elevated estradiol

At the earliest stages, the excess estradiol is compensated by the body. But later, various kinds of pathologies, disorders and neoplasms can arise. Therefore, if estradiol is increased, treatment should be started immediately! To begin with it is necessary to consult with the expert and to reveal "depth" of disease. It is possible that you will be offered several options how to lower estradiol in women. Most likely, you will have to change your lifestyle, start taking prescribed medications.

The most effective way to reduce estradiol in women is physical activity. The complex should not be very exhausting, but regular. In addition, high estradiol in women can be reduced with the use of certain products (for example, Brussels sprouts).

Symptoms of increased estradiol in women

The increase in the level of this hormone is indicated by:

But remember the most important thing: if there are problems, consult a doctor immediately!