How to learn to twist the hoop around the waist?

At first glance, the rotation of the hoop is a fairly simple process, but not everyone thinks so. How easy and quick to learn to twist the hoop at the waist - later in the article.

First of all, you need to get up right. The legs must necessarily be brought together. If they are placed, the abdominal muscles will not be loaded and from exercises there will be no effect. The back should be kept exactly, so as not to harm the spine. Hand it is better to unite and place behind the head or stretch at the chest level. In this position, you need to perform rotations.

Now you can start twisting the hoop. The pelvis, hips and whole body should remain immobile, and move only the waist. Rotate it clockwise, forming circles. Jerk and sudden movements are unacceptable. It is better to rotate clockwise, but some want to learn how to twist the hoop in both directions. In this case, you need to try very hard. If the hoop falls, do not get upset, you need to constantly try, picking up the pace and adjusting the movements.

How to train properly?

To quickly learn how to twist the hoop, and training with it have been effective, it is important to observe several basic rules.

  1. It is important to begin classes from a few minutes, increasing the time every day.
  2. The minimum time for twisting the hoop is 10 minutes, if you give it less time, the result will not be.
  3. The duration of classes should not be more than 20-30 minutes.
  4. Doing every day is a must. Learn to twist the hoop for weight loss and experiment with this once a week - it's silly. Better then do not take it for granted.
  5. Do not exercise immediately after eating and on an empty stomach.
  6. The specific time for training should be determined depending on the mode of the day and employment. The only thing - you can not twist the hoop just before the night rest.
  7. When bruising occurs, you do not need to give up the practice. It will be enough to reduce the load and put on dense clothes - this will help to avoid even more trauma. Sensitive and thin skin will be protected by a special thermo-belt.
  8. To warm up the muscles , it is recommended to perform an easy warm-up before starting the workout.

Even if you do not know how to twist the hoop, you can learn, if you follow all the rules. And having mastered the technique of this exercise, you can make the body perfect even without going to the gym.