Tritons in the aquarium - content

Today aquariums can be seen not only in many apartments, but also in public premises, offices and reception rooms. And in these small and large tanks can live not only fish, but other aquarium creatures. One of these unusual animals is an ordinary aquarium newt.

Tritons - conditions of maintenance and care

Tritons are tailed amphibians belonging to the genus of salamanders. If you decide to keep amphibians with fish, then choose guppies, neon, zebrafish and other small aquatic animals. Tritons peacefully get along with goldfish: they can not eat or offend each other.

The most optimal version of the content of ordinary newts is a water aquarium, in which you have to change water every week. At the same time, one amphibian must account for up to 15 liters of water.

The maximum temperature of the water in the aquarium for keeping tritons should be + 22 ° C. But the room is often much warmer, especially in summer. Therefore, to cool the water in the aquarium, you can place bottles with ice there, changing them from time to time.

Triton ordinary - a very clean creature and water almost does not pollute. Therefore, only an internal filter will be sufficient for an aquarium with newts. Water should be kept at least two days. For newts, boiled water is very harmful, or filtered using a household filter.

Soil in the aquarium should be smooth and large, so that newts can not get hurt or swallow pebbles. Obligatory decoration of the aquarium with newts should be algae: live or artificial. In the leaves of plants, newts will wrap their eggs during reproduction.

If you planted live algae in an aquarium, then they will need a backlight. It is better if they are fluorescent lamps that will not heat water. For an aquarium with artificial leaves, lighting is not needed at all.

The main food of an ordinary newt is live food: a earthworm, a bloodworm, an aquarium shrimp, a snail. Willingly they eat and small pieces of raw beef liver, low-fat fish, squid, shrimp. If you live in the aquarium with newts, together with the fish, the latter can eat both their food and food for newts, which will have a bad effect on their well-being. Therefore, feed newts can be directly from tweezers. By the way, amphibian food is found with the help of smell. Adult newts should be fed every two days, and children - twice a day.

By the third year of life, newts are already capable of reproduction. When the mating season ends, the molts begin to molt. At this time they begin to rub their muzzle on shells or stones, their skin tears from it. The amphibian grabs his tail and pulls off the skin, which he subsequently eats.