Endometritis in dogs - symptoms and treatment

Endometritis is not only in humans, but in animals. The disease is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus. Symptoms in women and dogs are somewhat different. Methods of treatment also vary. About what are the causes, symptoms and treatment of endometritis in dogs - in this article.

Causes of endometritis in dogs

Because of hormonal imbalance, the mucous membranes of the uterus thicken, the mucous secret accumulates, and in this condition the uterus is more susceptible to infection. Depending on the amount of the infected secret, you can talk about a small or more serious inflammation.

Symptoms of endometritis in dogs

The disease is manifested as follows:

Treatment of endometritis in dogs

It is extremely important to begin treatment at an early stage of the disease. If you have any signs and symptoms, you need to contact a veterinarian. Because of accumulation of purulent discharge, they do not have time to be excreted and absorbed into the blood, so that the kidneys are also diagnosed in dogs. In addition, the danger is the pressure of the enlarged uterus on other organs. And if it ruptures, peritonitis will occur.

In time, the treatment started consists of conservative methods with the simultaneous use of diuretics. Oxytocin, prostaglandin F2-alpha (enzaprost, estrofan, dynaprost), ascorbic acid, antibiotics are used.

If medication fails to produce results, surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries is performed.

Prophylaxis of endometritis in dogs

For the prevention of the disease can be during the estrus to give the dog decoctions of the leaves of raspberries, nettles and St. John's Wort. It is especially advisable to give such broths during the period of bearing puppies.