Peaceful aquarium fish

When choosing aquarium fish, one should pay attention not only to their external attractiveness, but also to how light their content will be, given their natural, peaceful nature and livability in the aquarium. Beautiful peaceful aquarium fish is the best choice, they will not create problems and will not upset their owners.

Some species of peace-loving aquarium fish

Large peaceful aquarium fish have a longer life expectancy than small fry, they are unusually beautiful, but they are more difficult to contain. Large aquarium fish include those that require a minimum of 100 liters in aquariums.

One of the most widespread large peace-loving fish are marble gouramis , growing to 15 cm in length and the scalar is black , its body is up to 20 cm long. They easily get along with fish of other species, like thick algae, bright light, water temperature 24-27 degrees.

Goldfish or voylechvost , growing to 20 cm, is also one of the most peaceful aquarium fish, a descendant of carp, loves space and enhanced filtration. Also to this group can be attributed and discus , it is also called "the king of the aquarium", and turquoise akara .

By peaceful aquarium fish of medium size can be attributed zebrafish - they are very mobile, lead a schooling life. Fish are unpretentious, their sizes reach 5-7 cm, the desired amount in the aquarium - from 8-10 pieces. Ideal for the content - catfish corridors , in length grow from 3 to 10 cm, very sociable, a variety of colors, suitable for beginners aquarists.

Cardinals - magnificent, beautiful small aquarium fish, characterized by a peaceful disposition, they are cheerful and accommodating. The length of these cute fishes ranges from 2.5-3 cm to 4 cm.

The smallest and favorite fish are guppies , they can be advised by both experienced and novice aquarists. The most beautiful aquarium small fish - neon with a bright blue glowing strip on the back, it is unpretentious, ideal for keeping in any aquarium.