Popular breeds of cats

For a long time everyone knows that cats thousands of years ago were the most revered and beloved animals of man. The same attitude to these amazing graceful and majestic animals remains to this day.

Modern cats differ between themselves and external qualities, and character. We will tell you about the most famous breeds of our mustached friends in our article.

What breeds of cats are the most popular?

All cats have a kind of aristocracy, they are graceful and graceful. Some grow long wool, others are short-haired, others are completely bald. A list of such features of the breeds of cats can be continued for a long time. Everyone can choose a pet by nature and most attractive appearance.

In Russia, the most popular breeds of cats are British shorthair , it takes an honorable first place. Its amazing color of bluish, silvery or smoky color can not leave this animal without attention.

Second place in popularity is occupied by Scottish Folds ( Scottish Fold ). The name speaks for itself, this noble breed, differs by an unusual form of ears. They have big eyes and a thick short coat.

In third place in terms of popularity and demand for kittens is the Canadian Sphynx . These cats lack woolen cover, which makes them already the most popular cats in the world. In addition, the sphinxes are not aggressive and are distinguished by kindness and devotion.

Another very famous - Bengali breed of cats , is the fourth most popular. Beautiful short hair and specific color makes it look like a leopard.

In the honorable fifth place the most popular breed of koshe quo the world is rightly worth Maine Coons . These pets are able to gain weight about 15 kilograms, and have quite impressive dimensions.

I would like to note that whatever breed of cats we choose, we must always be responsible for those whom we have tamed, irrespective of the temperament or features of the appearance of these wonderful human friends.