Diarrhea in undulating parrot - treatment at home

Information on why diarrhea has appeared in diarrhea, treatment and prevention of a similar problem, is important for owners of winged pets. To determine the cause, it is important to consider all the symptoms, but the veterinarian can establish the exact diagnosis.

Diarrhea in undulating parrot - causes

There are a large number of factors that can provoke a loose stool. The main reasons include:

  1. A sharp change in diet or the use of poor-quality food. It is important, in the treatment, that the grain mixture has millet.
  2. Diarrhea in an undulating parrot can arise due to violations of cell hygiene.
  3. Use of substandard water, which should be replaced with children's bottled liquid.
  4. Inclusion in the menu of numerous fruits, vegetables and greens, or the use of a poultry of an acidified fetus.
  5. Diarrhea can occur due to the spraying of aerosols or the presence of poisonous for feathered plants in the room.
  6. Incorrect location of the cell, for example, in a draft, in a dark place, next to a TV and so on.
  7. The presence of an infectious disease, problems in the work of internal organs, inflammation of goiter, parasites and so on.

The parrot has diarrhea with water

It is important to know that birds can have two kinds of diarrhea: polyuria and diarrhea. In the first case, an increase in the amount of urine in the litter is implied and this phenomenon is temporary, which causes stress, diet changes, diet and other factors. In the case of diarrhea, there is an increase in fluid in the feces themselves. A dangerous cause of diarrhea with water in the parrot is renal failure, which is indicated by the presence of a large amount of fluid in the stool with moderate water intake by the pet. A bird can die from dehydration, so it's important not to delay treatment and consult a doctor.

Diarrhea when adapting a corrugated parrot

Many bird owners claim that their pet's habituation to a new place of residence was accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. A parrot can refuse food, water, be listless and so on. Disorder of stomach is a frequent phenomenon in adaptation. In this case, you need to know what to do if the parrot has a loose stool, so to reduce the level of stress it is recommended to give him the same food that he received at the pet store, do not make noise nearby and do not irritate him. If the symptom does not go away within a week, then you need to contact the veterinarian for treatment.

A wavy parrot tears with grains and diarrhea

The detection of such symptoms indicates the presence of dangerous pathological processes. In the parrot, diarrhea and vomiting can occur for the following reasons:

  1. If a bird gets bad food or chemicals get into the body, it leads to intoxication, and protective functions are activated to get rid of the poison.
  2. If vomiting and diarrhea in an undulating parrot, treatment may concern goiter. With such pathologies, there is an active allocation of mucus, from which the bird tries to get rid of, moving the goiter, which provokes vomiting. As this affects the functioning of the digestive system, diarrhea appears.
  3. If pathogenic bacteria get into the body, then in the course of their vital activity they provoke the poisoning of the organism, which breaks the microflora and leads to the appearance of unpleasant symptoms.
  4. The presence of inflammation of the urinary system, gastritis and other problems associated with the stomach and intestines.

Parrot does not eat diarrhea

If the bird has a disorder in the digestive system, that is, diarrhea, then almost always it refuses food. The parrot experiences discomfort in the stomach, therefore intuitively tries to save itself from the disease and stops eating. If the parrot has a loose stool and does not eat, then it is important to identify the exact cause of the problem (the most common ones were listed above) and contact the veterinarian for treatment, as every day the risk of exhaustion and death increases.

White diarrhea in a parrot

To determine the cause of the disease, you need to pay attention to the color of emptying.

  1. If the liquid stool of a corrugated parrot is white or has a grayish tinge, then this may indicate the presence of problems in the pancreas.
  2. More often the reason lies in the presence in the diet of a bird of a large quantity of fatty foods, for example, seeds, nuts or milk. Treatment involves the exclusion of these foods from the diet and if the problem persists, consult a doctor.
  3. If only small inclusions of white are observed, then this may be a symptom of arthritis, stress and infectious lesions of the liver.

Diarrhea with blood from the parrot

According to statistics, in most cases, blood in the feces indicates the presence of worms or other parasites. Concomitant symptoms include excessive thinness, thirst and dullness of color. With relapses, it is possible to observe worms in the stool masses. Causes of a liquid stool in a corrugated parrot may be more serious, for example, diseases of the digestive system, so when blood is detected in the stool, contact a veterinarian.

  1. If diarrhea begins with diarrhea, treatment should include activated charcoal, which should be given as follows: soak the tablet in water and drip the solution from the side with a key through a syringe without a needle.
  2. In addition, it is recommended to wash the cloaca with a tampon moistened with chamomile broth . Be sure to disinfect the cage.

The parrot has green diarrhea

Such a color of a liquid stool is a normal reaction of the body, if in the diet of the bird there is a lot of fresh herbs and fruits. Dangers in this case, in the diarrhea of ​​wavy parrots, there are no greens. If the owner has specially cleaned dry food and includes only soft and juicy foods in the diet, then diarrhea is a signal that you need to adjust the diet, otherwise serious health problems are possible. Begin to gradually give the pet a grain feed, for example, millet, oats and oatmeal. When the chair is restored, you can return to the menu fruit.

How to treat diarrhea in a wavy parrot?

If any unpleasant symptoms are found, it is better to contact the veterinarian to find out the cause and prescribe the appropriate treatment. There are several tips for what to do if a wavy parrot has diarrhea:

  1. Regularly, using water, remove contamination from the feathers and clean the cage, changing the litter. Always keep the litter out of the feeder and drinking bowl.
  2. When the bird is sick, then it lacks the heating of its own body, so it is necessary to maintain a warm temperature in the room and exclude drafts.
  3. If diarrhea in an undulating parrot, then the treatment implies a change in the feed used, that is, get a new grain mixture and for a while exclude from the diet vegetables and fruits. Let's cook a cooked rice cooked on water, without oil and salt.
  4. Of medical products, treatment involves the use of 1/4 part of the activated carbon tablets, which must be dissolved in water.
  5. Because diarrhea can lead to dehydration, it is important to regularly fill the drinking bowl with water. It is recommended to use useful liquids, for example, a light solution of potassium permanganate, broth of wild rose, chamomile or black tea.