What can I do to treat pediculosis in children?

Pediculosis is a parasitic disease, the carriers of which are lice. They feed on blood and can provoke different types of disease. Children often have head lice. With it, parasites live in the scalp. Their eggs (nits) are glued to the hair. Infection occurs through contact with a sick person, for example, in joint games, using other people's things. Often this happens in the kindergarten, school or camp. Therefore, the mother may be concerned about the question of how to treat pediculosis in children and what means exist against this ailment.

Symptoms of the disease

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with the signs of the disease in order to be able to identify it during its time. There are several main points that mom can pay attention to:

It is necessary to treat the disease, as neglected situations lead to complications. For example, streptoderma, lymphadenitis and even sepsis may develop.

If the mother is not sure of the diagnosis, then the doctor will be able to understand the situation accurately. For diagnostics, a Wood lamp can be used . The doctor will tell you what to treat pediculosis in children, what drugs to use. It is also necessary to carefully examine all those who have been in contact with the baby. After all, this disease is very contagious.

Treatment of pediculosis in children

Parasites cause unpleasant sensations in the baby, therefore in the power of parents to help as quickly as possible get rid of them. For this purpose, different methods can be used. Pharmacies offer a number of tools that will help to cope with the problem.

Treatment of pediculosis in children takes place at home. To do this, you need to buy a drug at the pharmacy and apply it according to the instructions.

There are such means:

Choosing drugs for the treatment of pediculosis in children, you need to carefully study their contraindications. Do not use them if the baby has irritations on the skin.

Another way to get rid of lice and nits is to remove them mechanically. For this, with good lighting, you need to choose the parasites from your hair with your hands. To facilitate the procedure, you can treat the head with diluted lemon juice, vinegar. The acid will promote the softening of gluten nits.

The most effective treatment for pediculosis in children is the combined method. That is, when the use of pharmaceuticals is supplemented by mechanical removal. This will allow more careful treatment of the affected areas.

Some parents prefer folk ways. They use dust soap, a mixture of kerosene and vegetable oil. These methods are less effective.

Prevention of the disease is hygiene. It is necessary since childhood to teach the little ones not to use other people's things, for example, a comb, a hairpin. Also, moms can periodically check the hair of children for parasites.

Timely prevention and treatment of pediculosis in children to relieve them of a number of discomforts, as well as help to avoid unpleasant consequences.