Veigela - landing and care in the open ground

To make unusual and incredibly beautiful homestead plant plant a veygel - in the garden it will become a real decoration. This deciduous blooming shrub , which pleases its abundant flowering twice a season - in the spring and late autumn is easy enough to care if planted properly in the right place.

Reproduction of the bush

To plant a wagel it will be necessary to obtain planting material. The best is the result of planting, letting the roots of the green shoot, because it is much faster in growth. But a lignified shoot, which for several years has been extremely reluctant to germinate and may even cease to develop under adverse conditions.

In addition to propagation, propagation of the wagel can be done in a seed way. For this, it is not necessary to collect seeds at all. Just let them crumble in the fall, and in the spring there will be young shoots that can be dived into separate containers. True, this method does not guarantee that the new plants will retain the mother color.

Planting wagons

Green shoot length of 10-15 centimeters cut in early spring (March-April), leaving a couple of leaves on the branch. After processing tears with a growth stimulator, twigs should be put in a dark place for 12 hours, then put in a light peat mixture to a depth of 0.5 cm. After that, the vase with the cut is covered with a polyethylene hothouse, or simply cut off the bottle until it starts the formation of new leaflets.

With this method of propagation of the bush the roots appear in a month. But this does not mean that the plant is ready to be transplanted into the open ground. In order to gain strength, it will be necessary to give him at least one and a half years, and only after that to transfer them to the garden. Do this in early spring, because the survival rate of young planters planted in autumn is very low, compared with spring planting.

In order to plant a stronger plant in the garden, it will be necessary to excavate a pit with sides of 40 cm and not less than 30 cm deep, to fill a thick layer of sand on the bottom, after which it is good to fertilize with organic. After cutting the roots, gently leveling and pouring the soil to prevent the formation of voids. Optimum is considered when the root neck is located on a level with the soil. After planting, the bush should be watered abundantly.

How to care for a bush?

After landing in the open ground was successfully carried out, the wagel needs regular care, and then the plant will quickly grow. This care includes a good watering, loosening, as well as shelter for the winter to protect against frost. Do this with the help of spunbond or lapnika.

Another element of care for Veygel will be pruning for the winter. It is carried out as necessary in order to remove diseased and withered branches, as well as to stimulate the growth of lateral shoots and the formation of a beautiful crown.