Dates - benefit

Many have heard about the benefits of dates, but not many know exactly what it is. This product, which is a favorite delicacy for the Muslim world, is really abundant with useful substances and is worth it to be included in the diet.

Caloric content, composition and useful properties of dates

For 100 grams of dates, there are 274 calories, or for convenience of counting - for every average date - for 23 calories. This is a fairly large number, but if compared with other desserts that often appear on our table - cookies, cakes, chocolate , pastries - this is an average.

The dates contain a lot of natural sugars, thanks to which they get their rich honey taste. It's a fast energy source, and if you need fast food, it's better to eat a couple of dates than candy.

The dates include many salts and minerals: iron, copper, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, sodium, cobalt, sulfur, boron, potassium and others. Moreover, the composition includes 23 types of amino acids, including rare ones, which we do not get from the usual products.

The vitamin composition of dates is also impressive: it's A, C, B1, B2, B6, and most importantly - pantothenic acid, which significantly improves the digestibility of carbohydrates. This balanced product is created by nature itself to enhance human health! Knowing what vitamins are contained in the dates, you can safely include in your diet this useful and pleasant taste of the product.

In addition, dates do not contain cholesterol and other harmful substances. Replacing them with their usual sweets , it will be easier for you to stick to a diet for weight loss and achieve your goals. Of course, in everything you need to know the measure, and too addicted to the use of such sweets, too, is not worth it, but allow yourself once a day 2-4 date instead of the usual dessert is quite possible. It is worth noting that the benefits of dried dates are as great as the fresh product.

What is the use of dates?

The use of dates for the body is incredibly great - this is evident already from the composition of the product. If we talk about this in more detail, the list of medicinal properties is very impressive:

The dates do not fit well with other foods, and it is best to eat them in a separate meal, with tea, milk or just water.

Harm and contra-indication of dates

Dates, like any other product, can not be abused - this leads to the risk of developing diabetes. Take care to eat no more than 10-12 pieces per day (subject to exclusion of other sweets).

People who have type 2 diabetes or fructose intolerance, it is better to give up this product altogether.