Vake Belyash - recipe

Vake belyash (or tank belish, bialesh, belsh) - a relatively large round (sometimes square) baked pie from fresh dough, a popular type of baking in the Tatar and Bashkir culinary traditions. The tartar vaccine is prepared with a large amount of filling, which is most often made from meat (of course, not pork), cut into small pieces and mixed with crushed potatoes (sometimes cooked almost until ready rice or wheat). However, it is also possible to bake belyashi also with fish. The only condition is that the fish should be fat enough, then the baking will turn out juicy. There are several ways how to cook a bacon to make the pie particularly tasty.

This Tatar vaccine is a recipe


For the test:

For filling:


From sifted (necessarily) wheat flour, eggs and kefir (best of all medium fat), knead the dough for a bucket of whites. Slightly prisalivaem it during the mixing process. The dough should be elastic and soft. The recipe for the test for vaccines may include ingredients such as natural sour cream and butter.

We form from the dough kolobki approximately the size of a ping-pong ball.

Cut the meat into small pieces with a knife or let it pass through a meat grinder with a large nozzle. Onions and potatoes are cleaned and cut into small cubes. You can skip the onion through a meat grinder, and grate the potatoes on a large grater.

Combine the minced meat and crushed potatoes, lightly add salt, add onion, egg, to taste - pepper and other dry spices. Thoroughly mix.

Each bun is rolled into a thin cake. We put the filling into the middle of the flat cake, distribute it evenly, and put a small piece of butter on top.

We gather the edges of the vaccine and tie it so that a bag with a small hole in the center is obtained (the white-tailed tank should be somewhat similar to a low yurt). The approximate diameter is 15-25 cm.

We lay out belyashi on a baking tray, greased with oil or butter (even better, baking with baking paper). Lubricate the egg whites with egg whites and place the pan in a preheated oven at 200ยบ C. In the preparation of the holes left on top 2-4 times add a little water (1-2 tablespoons) for juiciness. We bake a bucket of whites about 40-50 minutes.

Tank Bialesh with fish



To make fish fillings use different types of fish, usually pike perch, pike, sturgeon, salmon. You can also use sea fish. The fish are cut into fillets, the bones are removed, and the flesh is cut small pieces. Fish fits well with rice and greens.

We divide the dough into equal parts, roll out the flat cakes. Put first rice, on top of it - pieces of fish, chopped finely green onions and dill. The rice will be saturated with the juices that flow from the fish during baking.

Pour the stuffing with a small amount of melted butter. Collect the edges and tear. Spread on a baking sheet pasted with baking paper and bake in the oven at medium temperature.

It is possible to serve kumys, katyk, hot meat broth or fresh chamomile tea to a bucket of belyashas.