Garden paths made of plastic bottles

Hot summer flies quickly, autumn comes to replace the time of harvesting the last harvest and preparing for winter. When cleaning the site, summer residents gather a rich "harvest" of plastic bottles. What to do with these "treasures", how to deal with the plastic that has accumulated over the summer? Collect in bags and take to a landfill, burn with branches and leaves? It is possible of course and so, but it is very harmful for health and ecology.

We offer you another option - to make garden paths from plastic bottles. Our variant will bring convenience to you, joy and pleasure to your children. Your site will be original and bright. Less will be enemies - weeds.

How to make a garden path with your own hands?

Plastic bottles are free, perfect material for garden paths. Make a path out of them in the garden with you, even a child can. No one is better than children to cope with such painstaking work as preparing bottles and decorating garden paths.

To start creating summer cottages from bottles you will need:

Garden paths from whole plastic bottles

The bottles are filled with sand, dry earth. Little children do it carefully and with pleasure, for them it's a game, and you will not spend time on this main operation. Bottles should be shaken periodically, pounding the bottoms on the ground, compacting the sand. If the bottles are large, then a small child will not do it, let the adults come up, praise and shake the bottles.

Garden paths from bottles made from yoghurt are elegant and beautiful, but ordinary transparent bottles can be decorated. For example, cut out color packs, magazine covers rectangles in height and width from the bottle. Collapse into the tube and insert inside. The tube will unfold along the wall, then the insert will press against it with sand. You can still mix with finely chopped foil, candy wrappers or dye.

Bottles with sand are placed in a trench horizontally on a sand cushion. Before this trench is filled with branches, broken brick, household rubbish and covered with earth. That the bottles are evenly immersed in the sand, they put a board on them. Let the children jump on it, like. The gaps between the bottles are covered with dry sand and cement, the filling is leveled with a board. Put the board and walk along the path, then sweep the surpluses of the underfill. Pour the path from the watering can. When the cement is well seized, the formwork can be removed. The neck of the bottles along the edges of the path looks not so beautiful, so it is better to cover the slopes with stones or make a fence of the same bottles.

Tracks bottoms bottles and lids

These are the best and safest tracks. And for children - an interesting lesson, they like mosaic, puzzles, playing in the sand. The bottles are cut with scissors bottom. On a well-packed ground, a layer of sand is poured into the formwork. Align. Watered. In the moist sand, pierce the bottoms or lids. From the bottoms you get a flower meadow, and from the covers you can lay out any pattern or picture according to the pattern of cross-stitching.

Take the time and make such original tracks. They will bring joy and pleasure to the whole family with their beauty and convenience. Your site will be original and bright.