Aura color by date of birth

Aura is called the energy envelope, which surrounds the person by about 1.5 m and is invisible. Usually there are several different shades in it, but there is the basic color of a person's aura , which can be recognized by the date of birth. If other colors change because of mood, thoughts, energy and emotions, then the basic shade does not change.

How do you know the color of the aura by the date of birth?

Each color corresponds to a specific number, which can be determined by adding the full date of birth. Let's consider the example of 08.11.1989 to find out the value, add all the numbers: 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 37, 3 + 7 = 10, 1 + 0 = 1. If the result is 11 or 22, then they have their own color.

The value of the color of the person's aura by date of birth:

1 - red. Color simultaneously speaks of the sensitivity and aggressiveness of nature. A person with such an aura is ambitious and optimistic.

2 - yellow . Such an aura points to a creative nature. Its owner is communicative and eloquent.

3 - orange . Color indicates the emotionality of a person who is kind, sociable and caring.

4 - green . People who have such an aura can easily adapt to any situation. They are sociable and sentimental.

5 - blue . A person with such an aura is constantly in search of truth, and also he likes to travel. He is capable of great things.

6 - blue . Color, indicating the nobility and care of a person. Such people are confident, but they need to learn to trust their intuition.

7 - purple . People with this aura have a well-developed intuition and a rich inner world. Faith helps to cope with different problems.

8 - pink . This is the color of the aura of an industrious and purposeful person. They are gentle and love to show concern.

9 - bronze . A person with such an aura is ready for self-sacrifice and he is gentle and caring. He is determined and ready to help.

11 - silver . This color indicates a dreaminess and a penchant for fantasies. A person with such an aura has a rich inner world and good intuition.

22 - gold . People with such aura are successful, and also they stand out with bold ideas and non-standard solutions. They have excellent charisma.