Do not eat this anymore: 10 products that make you smell bad

Each of us heard a phrase saying that we are what we eat. In other words, any eaten product affects the smell of the human body. And who among us wants to smell so that next to him going fastidiously closes his nose?

In order for this to happen, it's time to revise your diet by excluding some of the products from it.

1. A family of cabbage

Such vegetables as broccoli, cauliflower, Peking cabbage are rich in useful substances, amino acids and sulfur. It is the latter that is responsible for the appearance of an unpleasant odor. Moreover, sulfur compounds provoke abdominal bloating. You will not believe, but a small eaten piece of Brussels sprouts makes our body "fragrant" for as much as 6 (!) Hours. No, you do not need to throw out all the cabbage out of the fridge. Dermatologists recommend eating it, pre-salt. So you can eliminate substances that cause such an unpleasant smell.

2. Red meat

Did you know that the vegetarian smell of sweat is not as sharp as meat-eaters? Of course, this information sounds not very attractive, but this is the result in 2006 showed the research of Czech scientists. Red meat contains amino acids that are absorbed in the small intestine. True, not all of them are consumed by the body, and some of them are allocated with sweat. With perspiration, the bacteria metabolize these amino acids into volatile, odor-smelling compounds. You can feel the unpleasant smell of the body within two hours after eating red meat.

The solution to the problem: eat red meat on health, but not more than twice a week.

3. Fish

"It can not be!", - you will think. Yes, the use of fish not only improves the brain activity of a person, helps to prevent a heart attack, but still manages to smell the fragrance of your perfume. And the reason for this - choline (vitamin B4), which is part of the meat of salmon, trout and tuna. In some people this substance can be contained in sweat during the day from the moment of eating a portion of fish.

4. Fenugreek (Shamballa, Helba)

Undoubtedly, its seeds contain many useful substances. In addition, it is a good source of vegetable protein. And its composition is similar to fish oil. The only downside is that the use of this product gives the sweat a specific smell. All this is due to the strong cleansing properties of fenugreek. Fortunately, the problem is solved. So, it is important not only to observe the daily hygiene of the body, but also drink plenty of water.

5. Curry, cumin

These spices directly affect the discharge from the pores. Moreover, because of them the body for a few days will have a specific smell. Instead, it is recommended that less aggressive foods be included in the diet (cardamom, ginger, kalgan).

6. Peas

Everyone knows that this product is the leader among those that cause flatulence. And its protein is heavily digested, as a result of which part of the pea reaches the intestine and becomes an excellent food for microbes. To neutralize the negative consequences from the use of this product, it is sufficient to soak the peas for 8 hours before consumption.

7. Coffee and black tea

These drinks very well increase the acidity of the stomach, and in addition, dry the mouth. And what happens if there is not enough saliva in the mouth? Correctly, there is a rapid proliferation of microbes, resulting in an unpleasant odor from the mouth. But this is not all the "flowers". So, coffee and black tea excite the nervous system and accelerate sweating.

Exit one: give preference to green or herbal tea.

8. Asparagus

Of course, this product can be found in the refrigerator for all those who diet or is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. Asparagus is a low-calorie plant, which is a natural antioxidant and the strongest aphrodisiac. True, it not only changes the smell of sweat, because of it, urine gets a pungent smell, but even when digesting asparagus, gas is released, which takes an active part in the formation of intestinal gases.

In general, just try not to lean on this product.

9. Alcohol

Everyone knows that from an intoxicated person does not smell of French perfume. This is explained by the fact that the liver is not able to completely rework alcohol. As a result, he, let's say, begins to walk through the circulatory system and leaves through the lungs in the form of a very unpleasant fume.

In addition, for the body alkonapitki - a toxin that turns into acetic acid. It is removed through the pores with a characteristic sharp odor.

10. Garlic

These products are often responsible for bad breath and skin. Interestingly, in a study conducted by Scottish and Czech scientists, it was found that, from the body, the metabolites of garlic volatilized after 72 hours. In addition, through the pores are derived products of the decomposition of garlic (sulfur and essential oil), which adversely affect the body odor.

What to do? If you really can not give up this product, then do not chew a clove of garlic, and swallow it whole. Another option is the use of garlic tablets.