10 most smelly and expensive cheeses

Who said that the most delicious foods should have a paradisiacal flavor? The following list of cheeses is a vivid proof of this.

1. Talegio

Undoubtedly, in appearance it is so-so, but unlike the other badly smelling cheeses, this product is not so smelly. He is adored for its soft texture and unusual taste. It is mainly prepared from pasteurized cow milk in large factory dairies, where, nevertheless, they adhere strictly to the ancient rules in order to preserve the taste and structure of the world famous cheese. By the way, Talegio is produced only in certain places: the region of Lombardy, Piemonte, Navarre, Veneta.

2. Stilton

Blue Stilton was repeatedly called the king of English cheeses. And let it "fragrantly" smell, all the same, at least once in your life, enjoy this delicious food. Its texture can be as friable, soft, creamy, and elastic. The older the cheese, the softer it is, and the smoother its flavor. It is interesting that the whole process of aging takes about 9 weeks. And for the formation of characteristic blue veins stylton pierced with stainless steel needles. By these, let's say, the tunnels, the air gets inside. You will not believe, but to date in the world only six (!) Are generic with a license to produce this product.

3. The Smelly Bishop

And no, we are not trying to offend someone. It's just an unusual name for a tasty but unpleasantly smelling, English cheese. He received his name from a variety of pears, from which pear cider was made. And it all began with the fact that every month the monks dipped in it for washing cheese. As a result, the humidity and lack of salt created on the surface of the cheese a special microflora, forming a smell reminiscent of long wearing socks and wet towels. Despite this, the taste of the cheese is tender, and from the smell you can get rid by removing the fetid crust.

4. Limburg cheese

This is the most popular flavored cheese. It is widely distributed in Belgium, Austria, Holland, Germany. German cheese does not smell of socks or perfumes. Do not believe it, but its fragrance resembles the smell (get ready) of unwashed male body. Mmm ... delicious! Simply in the ripening of cheese involved special bacteria responsible for the smell of human sweat. But this does not mean that it is eaten by one. We love Limburg cheese with many people. Its taste is salty, spicy. It is combined with apple cider, beer, red wine, potatoes, black bread.

5. Roquefort

This is one of the most eaten cheeses on the planet. This sounds strange, but until recently this product was banned in Australia and New Zealand. It is made from raw sheep milk in the area near Roquefort-sur-Sulzon and it ripens exclusively in the local limestone caves of Kombala, 2 km long. Roquefort has an oily, creamy and brittle texture, and its flavor is spicy, salty with a small ostrinkoy.

6. Bree de Moe

It is also called royal cheese. It is produced in a small town near Paris under the interesting name Mo. It has the appearance of small cakes covered with a touch of white mold. This crust has an unpleasant aroma, reminiscent of ammonia, and the cheese itself has the smell of hazelnuts. It is interesting that cheese can be eaten not only as a snack, but also as a dessert.

7. Epuas

He was Napoleon's favorite cheese. And for today it is forbidden to carry it in public transport of France. Interestingly, the epuas were created by the Cistercian monks. The time of its ripening takes from five to eight weeks. Cheese is made from raw cow's milk, and the crust is washed with brandy cake. By the way, he has a very pungent smell.

8. Camembert

It is rich in chemicals such as ammonia, sodium chloride, succinic acid. And it smells like a mixture of yeast and truffles. It is made from unpasteurized cow's milk and left to ripen for 3 weeks. The texture of the camembert is soft, oily, which is why it is recommended to eat with a spoon.

9. Pont-L'Eveque

It is considered the oldest cheese of Normandy. Pont-L'Eveque is a non-brewed and non-pressed cheese made from cow's milk. Initially, it began to make the monks from the abbey Norman. This product has a pronounced taste. The cheese smells of butter and hazelnut, but its crust ... It smells the smell of marsh gas, and therefore, if you do not want to get your fridge in, store it in a tightly closed bag.

10. Munster

This French cheese is washed in wine, and then placed in wet cellars for further maturation. In the cheese kingdom, it is customary to call it a monster. Just its flavor is very much like the smell of unwashed heels. As for the history of the origin of the Munster, it is rumored that the first monks who came to the Munster Valley were Irish. So they brought the secret of cooking this delicious, but fetid product.