Bedroom interior with wallpaper of two kinds

The combination of two, and sometimes three types of wallpaper in the room - not just a desire to make it elegant or original. Design techniques allow you to change the overall impression of the space, adjust its dimensions and even slightly change the geometry of the room. The whole focus of any of the options for gluing wallpaper of two kinds in the bedroom is in our color perception: the darkened places seem smaller, the highlights are bigger and higher. Brighter pictures on a neutral background look more contrast, and smooth color transitions allow you to seamlessly divide space into zones.

Proper bedroom design with wallpaper of two kinds

First, answer yourself to a simple question: what exactly are you pursuing? Why did you draw attention to the combination of wallpaper? There are not many reasons why you should use this technique:

Whatever goals you pursue, there are always a few rules to follow. For example, it is not recommended to combine wallpaper with different bases and textures, since after drying, unpleasant surprises can occur in the form of divergence of joints.

There are some secrets of how to combine the wallpaper in a bedroom of two kinds in order to achieve the best effect. This applies to the color contrast: if you take two different, they should be equally saturated, but the combination of muted and pastel shades is best. A more peaceful solution will be a tandem of a monophonic canvas and pattern. By the way, if you approach the issue of sticker design in the bedroom in a big way, you can refer to the whole collection of wallpapers of two types. Some manufacturers offer immediately ready solutions, while the wallpaper is attached and selected by drawing textiles.

How to combine the wallpaper in the bedroom of two kinds?

As for the direct location of the two species, one relative to the other, then there is something to choose from.

  1. Striped walls are one of the simplest solutions, because this technique is quite possible for a professional. Vertical bands seem to raise the walls, a good solution for clear zoning of the room. Horizontally located strips opposite, the walls are moved apart and at the same time the ceiling is visually lowered.
  2. The insert method is almost a design decision. First choose a neutral color for all the walls, then select several sections and add contrasting wallpaper, they still like to separate the moldings.
  3. The head area or the wall opposite the bed can be highlighted with a more active and vivid pattern. This is the so-called domination of the wall.
  4. Less common is the bedroom interior with wallpaper of two kinds in scrappy technique. It looks more harmonious, if only one wall is framed in the scrappy technique, the rest are covered with a neutral color.
  5. And finally, the main part of the room is covered with a light background, and niches or other architectural details are deliberately highlighted in a darker color.