Furniture from Karelian pine

Older materials than stone and wood are not in the world. And no matter how many inventors invented different new synthetic fibers and plates, but there will always be people who prefer what has already been checked by time. Of course, quality products are being tested, but how much is there in the market for such material that even close to the house is harmful? Wood can breathe and release into the air curative natural substances, invisibly improving the atmosphere in the house. That is why children's furniture from Karelian pine is of particular value - the safest and cleanest product on our market.

Furniture from solid wood of Karelian pine

  1. Kitchens from Karelian pine . Manufacturers of expensive but high-quality products do not allow the use of veneer, in fact there is only a real array of wood. Many people ask if he can withstand the loads that furniture is currently experiencing in the modern kitchen. Sets from Karelian pine have a resistance to heat and humidity not worse than the venerated facades of MDF. That is why companies that produce such products with full confidence give a guarantee on their furniture for at least three years. Sometimes the complete set can be combined: the case - a pine, and a facade - an oak or a birch. All these nuances need to be taken into account immediately when ordering a headset. The facade itself is made in different styles - gothic, country , gothic tinted, others. Used a panel, grating, a variety of types of glass, curtains. All this facilitates the choice and makes it possible to produce furniture for any most refined taste.
  2. Children's bed from Karelian pine . A very attractive appearance has hand-painted items, as if taken from old-time fairy tales. But also simple on the first kind of a crib have weight of advantages. Here you need only notice one thing: you will not find healthier furniture for your child. No plastic and iron can not give a baby such a healing and strong sleep, as strong and reliable products of living natural pine.
  3. Beds from an array of Karelian pine . Equipped with a quality mattress, they stand considerable loads and will not "spread out" in a couple of months, like sleeping accessories from chips. All sharp edges manufacturers usually round, then the furniture looks very attractive and not very rude. Best of all, when all the furnishings in the bedroom will be made in the same style (country, country, etc.).
  4. Chests of Karelian pine . Even with normal toning, these items look good. But it is desirable, when the dressers decorate the carved pattern, the panel, which makes them more colorful. They easily and organically fit into the interior of the bedroom or living room, making the life of the hostess more comfortable.
  5. Cabinet made of Karelian pine . Natural patterns, unlike the pattern on MDF or veneer, are never repeated. This is the easiest way to distinguish a fake from a natural tree. Unique methods of wood processing allow you to preserve the original texture, which effectively looks in the interior. Cabinets made of this material are extremely strong and look chic even without any coloring. Therefore, manufacturers often cover the top layer of wood with such a protective layer, which not only does not hide the natural pattern, but, on the contrary, even more distinguishes it.

What good is the Karelian pine?

Karelian pine, which has much better properties than its southern counterparts, is now in great demand. This breed appeared in a harsh climate, which significantly affected its properties. Growing on stony Karelian soil trees have an excellent dense small-layer structure. By air permeability among coniferous species, it also has virtually no competition. Furniture made of Karelian pine has a golden color on wood. It has on the cut a beautiful pattern, which was immediately noted by all manufacturers. Add to this the light healing aroma of the coniferous forest that will reign in the house, with which there is never any expensive air freshener.