Flowers for home well-being - signs

It has long been proven that plants have a certain energy that can affect a person. There are different signs that make it possible to understand what flowers are good for a house, and how they affect a person. For flowers to share their energy, it is important to take care of them properly, and some psychics advise even to talk with them.

Signs about flowers for home well-being

If the house plant killed a house plant, for which you took good care, it means that it took over the negative or possible diseases. When not one was lost, but several flowers at once, then someone inflicted strong damage on a person or his house. It is important to thank the dead plants, for their salvation.

Signs about the flowers in the house:

  1. Violet . This plant is considered a symbol of eternal love and with its help you can keep peace in the family. Remember that you need to take care of the violets carefully.
  2. Anthurium . There are plants designed specifically for the stronger sex, that's what the anthurium belongs to. It is believed that this flower gives male power, and also it gives success .
  3. Myrtle . According to the signs this room flower is for marriage, and marriage will be successful. In the current family such a plant will bring happiness. In many countries it is customary to give a miracle to weddings.
  4. Hibiscus . This plant is recommended to start single people who dream of passionate love. It is also considered a symbol of peace.
  5. Spathiphyllum . If an unmarried girl puts such a plant in her house, then in the near future she will meet her soul mate. The flower helps to become pregnant, and also to find happiness and mutual understanding. The sign says that in a house where there are many quarrels of scandals, spathiphyllum does not bloom .
  6. Chlorophytum . In the people it is the plant is called "family happiness". It is believed that if you have such a flower in your house, then life will be calm and happy.
  7. Tolstyanka . This plant is a money tree, which allows you to attract material prosperity. It is recommended to plant the flower in a pot of red color, putting several coins on the bottom.

Many are also interested in a sign about whether it is possible to throw out indoor flowers. In this case, everything depends on the specific situation. If you move, then the plants can be taken to school or distributed to neighbors, but if flowers do harm, they should not be thrown away, but burned. Such a ritual will remove the existing negative.