Why dream of dancing in a dream?

Both dreams and dances in the ancient consciousness are filled with a deep, but not very clear meaning, both need to be deciphered.

People in ancient times believed that the whole world is permeated with certain energies, and each has its own will, if not the mind. Communication "from there to here" is carried out in the form of sleep or delirium, and "from here to there" - in the form of dance. Therefore, in many pagan religions priests dance before idols or simply during the performance of the rite. Esoterics, interpreting dreams about dances, take into account this their peculiarity.

Dance alone

To determine what it means to dance in a dream, it matters whether the dreamer is dancing in pairs, in company or one. If he dances by himself, for pleasure or because he likes to dance, and the mood is good, then this is a very good omen. Such a dream means good luck in business, financial well-being, even just some kind of luck.

But if a girl sadly dances in front of a mirror, then this is bad, means loneliness (however, this is loneliness). It is necessary to understand your relationships with loved ones. But, however, sometimes this can be interpreted as a state after stress, requiring a discharge.

Dance in a group

This dream can also have different interpretations. In general, even for the same dream, there are so many completely different interpretations that you begin to guess how mysterious everything is about the dance - the most eloquent, but the most mysterious and ephemeral of the arts.

For example, dancing on stage in a dream can mean completely different things. Some interpreters believe that this means fun, a holiday, a party, and others are convinced that such a dream portends gossip. However, these interpretations are not very different: maybe something will happen at the party that will inspire everyone to gossip with a rapture about who is dreaming this dream?

Although hardly anything special such a dream means for a ballerina or a dancer - just a routine.

But to dance at a wedding in a dream is a beautiful dream and a good omen. Or maybe, on the contrary, it means a scandal and trouble for the sleeper and his entire family. But to dance at a wedding in the rain in a dream is for all the dream-books fortunately.

Strange dances

If a person dances naked in a dream, then this indicates an unencumbered sexual energy.

If someone (not a dancer) dreamed that he was dancing, it means a fall in reputation , rumors, gossip and other fuss.

Ritual dances are for trouble. The main trouble is to get such a good education to understand the ritual dances, and to realize your knowledge only in a dream.

The eerie vision associated with dancing with the deceased in a dream has many interpretations. They depend, for example, on whether a person is known to a deceased person. If you look in the dream book, what does it mean to dance in a dream familiar deceased, it is advice, help and other good things. If the deceased is unfamiliar (wondering where the sleeper then knows that this stranger has already died?), Then it's for troubles and illnesses.

If a person dreams that he is watching, as gypsies dance, then he may have a tendency to group sex.

But the question of what dreams to dance in a dream with children, all the dream books give unequivocally the best predictions. This is fortunately.

Whatever it was, to believe or not to interpreters of dreams, the person must decide. But to give too much will over superstitious fears, perhaps, is not worth it. In any case, the interpretations to dreams were not invented in vain. Perhaps we should listen to them, because they can give an answer to the current situation and help in understanding it.