To break a plate is a sign

Concerning different household utensils there is a huge number of signs and beliefs. So, for example, the falling forks, spoons and knives have their own values. In addition, breaking a plate is also a sign , and its significance will be discussed in this article.

Broken Tableware

People's signs say: break the plate - fortunately! This is a popular sign that says that even if you broke a part of the new service, or your favorite mug, or a beautiful dish, you should not be sorry, it will lead to an exceptionally good finale. However, for some types of dishes there are different interpretations of the signs.

If you broke not a plate, but a glass, rejoice - you will have a serious novel, or even more significant changes in relation to your personal life. It is also interesting that a broken ordinary glass, by contrast, portends some trouble - but not on a personal front, but in general. Generally.

Broken tableware at the wedding

In this case, there is one paradox. It's no secret that to break a plate at a wedding - solemnly, surrounded by relatives - is for a happy family life. But if someone from the newlyweds accidentally sweeps off the tablecloth the object of the dishes - it promises troubles in the family life. Therefore, the answer to the question of what to break the plate, still can not be unambiguous. Much depends on the circumstances. In any case, it is not worth worrying about because the action will largely depend on how you perceive them.

By the way, the custom to beat dishes at the wedding can be called international, that's only the meaning of it is different. In Russia, for example, it is done "for happiness", and in Europe - to add to the joyful moment of a small dramatic element. After all, there is bitterness in every joy, and it is better that it be so small and insignificant.