Helenium - landing and care in the open ground

The flower helenium belongs to the family of Compositae. In nature, it is found mainly in North and Central America. In our gardens, this bright, chamomile-like flower appeared relatively recently. Its plantings look great in the dense flower beds and flower gardens , and low varieties are planted along the curbs and paths.

Helenium - varieties

In nature there are more than 30 varieties of helenium, but only some of them are cultivated:

Helenium - Care and Reproduction

Propagating helenium is better than the most effective and simple way - rosettes. The fact that the flower helenium has one unusual feature: by winter the upper part of the plant dies, but in the ground there are kidneys. With the advent of spring, out of them sprouting rosettes, with the help of which the helenium multiplies. They must be digged, divided, and then transplanted to a new location in the open ground.

You can multiply helenium and one more way - seeds. However, they have a weak germination. Increase the effectiveness of reproduction by seeds can be, sowing them under the winter. To do this, you need to prepare a well-fertilized organic soil. Sowing seeds, you should cover them with cover material . Before the appearance of sprouts, crops should be watered as necessary and ventilated. After the appearance of two or three leaves, the plants are dived. In the open ground seedlings of gelenium can be transplanted, when the threat of recurrent cold passes. However, to see the flowers of helenium with this method of reproduction will be possible only in two or three years.

To achieve a beautiful flowering of the helenium, you need to know the features of planting and care of the flower in the open ground. Helenium is best planted in well-lit areas. The flower will grow in the penumbra, but then it will lose its bright appeal.

To grow the helenium was successful, it is necessary that the soil under the plants was well hydrated. This is due to the fact that the plant has poorly developed root system, and it is difficult to provide itself with moisture in sufficient quantity. In addition, the helenium needs mineral and organic top dressing throughout the season.

Provide Good Helenum to good air exchange can be regular loosening of the soil under the plant. Since the constantly appearing rosettes on the plant will eventually rise higher above the surface of the soil, then in winter they can freeze. To prevent this from happening, the flower should be rejuvenated once in 3-4 years, that is, to replace the rosettes in a new place.

In order to prevent the helenium from freezing into a snow-less winter, it is necessary to cover the plant with moss or sawdust from autumn. That the bushes of high grades of helenium do not lose their shape under the influence of winds and rains, they must be tied to the support, and also in spring to prick the tops of young shoots.

Provide helenius with proper care, and these sun flowers will decorate your garden until late autumn.