Lemonade from tarhuna at home

Today we will tell you how to make lemonade yourself from the tarragon. This drink refreshes and invigorates in the summer hot day, and also charges you with a positive and good mood.

The recipe for lemonade with tarragon


For juice:


Citrus fruits are washed and scalded with boiling water. A bunch of tarhun is divided into parts and we put one into a clean pan. Fill a glass of drinking cool water and carefully knead the greens with a mortar so that the juice is extracted from it. After that, we take out the grass and discard it. In a clean saucepan, brew sugar in water, boil the syrup, and then cool it. Peeled lime and lemon with hands on lobules. Cool the sweet syrup and concentrated juice of tarhun mixed in a saucepan and add the remaining unprocessed greens. Now we pour the drink with cold mineral water, mix it thoroughly, throw ice and pour tarragon into glasses.

Recipe for lemonade from tarhuna at home



Tarhun and mint are washed, shaken and finely chopped greens with a knife. Lemons scalded with boiling water, squeezed juice out of them and poured it into a bowl.

Separately boil the syrup: in a saucepan with boiling water we throw sugar, send the dishes to the stove and boil the contents until the crystals are completely dissolved. Then add the juice to the cooled syrup, add the prepared greens, mix and insist the drink in the fridge for 45 minutes. Before serving, lemonade with tarragon, mint and lemon filter, pour into a jug, throw ice and serve a drink to the table.

Recipe for homemade lemonade with tarragon and strawberry



Lemon and lime washed, dried and squeezed out the juice. We pour it into a transparent jug and add the fruit peel. Peppermint and tarhun are washed and sent there as a whole branch. Strawberries are rinsed, torn off the peduncles and cut into pieces. Add the berries to the rest of the ingredients and sugar to taste. We boil water, pour in the fruit with herbs and insist the drink for about 15 minutes. We cool the house lemonade "Tarhun", we send it to the refrigerator for a few hours, and then we pour it over the glasses, decorating the drink with a slice of lemon and throwing a little crushed ice.