Milk diet for fast weight loss - the most effective options

Nutritionists have developed a huge number of diets for weight loss, but not all of them are equally effective and safe. Milk diet is a universal food option that is suitable for people of all ages and does not have a negative impact on health.

Can I lose weight on a milk diet?

A diet based on one or two similar products is called a mono-diet. These diets are rapidly losing weight, but weight loss is due to lower muscle mass, and not by reducing the amount of fat. Mono diets include milk food. For a few days of observing such a diet, you can lose up to 3 kilograms of weight. Unlike other mono-diets, losing weight helps the body get important nutrients and it is easier to tolerate dietary days.

Milk diets for fast growing thin

To ensure that the body does not experience stress in milk mono-diet, it is recommended to add other types of products in the menu for this type of nutrition. More often in a dairy ration are entered vegetables and fruit , therefore the dairy diet for growing thin can have such kind:

The variety of types of milk diets makes it possible to choose from them the one that is more suitable for a particular organism. If a person has a hard time tolerating diets, then preference should be given to those species that contain a greater variety of foods. The easiest diets from these are milk-vegetable and milk-curd diets, more complex - milk mono-diet.

Banana-milk diet

Banana-milk diet allows you to combine banana and milk in the diet. Bananas are an additional source of nutrients that have a positive effect on the digestive and vascular systems. Banana-milk diet for 3 days consists of daily consumption of 0.75 liters of dairy products, 350 g of bananas, a glass of herbal tea and 2 liters of pure water. Drinking water in this quantity is necessary, as it helps to remove harmful substances from the body and accelerate metabolism.

In this form of dietary nutrition, we are talking about the use of fresh milk. If the digestive system reacts negatively to fresh milk, then it can be replaced by fermented milk products. You can also eat kefir and ryazhenka instead of milk if the diet is difficult to tolerate. Permitted to alternate fresh milk and products of the sour-milk group. Losing weight with the help of milk helps to get rid of 2-3 kg of weight for 3 days.

Milk and vegetable diet

Milk and vegetable diet lasts for a week and allows you to lose up to 3 kg of excess weight. Milk and vegetable diet, the menu of which contains bread, vegetables, fruits and cottage cheese, is carried more easily than other types of milk diets. The allowed number of products should be distributed for the whole day so as to eat every 3-4 hours. In between meals, drink plenty of clean water. The diet consists of:

Milk and cottage cheese diet

Diet on dairy products with cottage cheese can last from three to five days. The five-day diet contributes not only to the release of excess weight, but also to the purification of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet on milk and cottage cheese has this kind:

Dairy diet for athletes

If certain rules are followed, milk promotes weight loss, but athletes appreciate the milk diet for helping to build muscle and saturate the body with nutrients. The athletes diet should contain three times the amount of protein. Protein menus of people involved in sports can look like this: