Nephroptosis of the kidney - what is it?

Do you suffer from high blood pressure, or treat pyelonephritis unsuccessfully, and doctors can not explain the cause of their occurrence? It is very likely that the roots of both problems lurk in a disease called nephroptosis. We will tell you what it is - nephroptosis of the kidney, and what methods of treatment exist.

What is this - nephroptosis of the kidney 1 degree?

The diagnosis of "nephroptosis" is somewhat synonymous. It can be designated as a "wandering kidney" or "omission of the kidney," which slightly clarifies the essence of what is happening. One of the kidneys comes out of the kidney bed, shifts down into the abdominal cavity. At this moment, it "hangs" on the feeding artery, the blood supply deteriorates and the body reacts by increasing the pressure. To do this, a special renal hormone, renin. Due to the fact that during the bias the ureter flexes and the urine outflow from the organ is slower, the affected kidney becomes more susceptible to various infections, frequent pyelonephritis occurs.

The causes of nephroptosis of the kidney can be reduced to the following factors:

It is interesting that the right kidney is more likely to be affected - physiologically it is located somewhat lower and has a smaller diameter artery, which, accordingly, is stretched more strongly. Symptoms of nephroptosis of the right kidney are similar to the symmetrical manifestation of the disease, only the dislocation of pain can differ. In general, the symptoms of kidney nephroptosis can be reduced to the following:

  1. At the first stage the disease proceeds asymptomatically, the kidney can be probed through the abdominal wall in the patient's position while standing on exhalation.
  2. In the second stage, the kidney is palpable in the standing position always. There may be a slight pain when lifting weights and running.
  3. In the third stage, the kidney is palpated even when the patient is lying down. Pain takes a regular nature, can give back, or lower abdomen. In the supine position, they subside somewhat. There is blood in the urine.

Features of treatment of kidney nephroptosis

Such kidney diseases, as nephroptosis, require an individual treatment regimen for each patient. As methods of conservative treatment can be used physical exercises, bandages and a diet that promotes the recruitment of fat mass and at the same time relieving the load from the excretory system. Sometimes the patient is prescribed drugs that reduce pressure and relieve swelling. If these methods fail, the organ is returned to the renal bed by surgery.

The operation eliminates kidney nephroptosis most quickly and effectively. Recently, it is increasingly performed by the method of laparoscopy - with the help of several small incisions of 5-7 mm each. This allows you to write the patient home the next day.

The operation is called nephropexy. The physician provides the body with the necessary support with the help of a special net, resulting in normal blood supply to the kidney and urine outflow. After a few years, the body will accumulate the right amount of supporting fatty tissue, and the grid will resolve.

Before deciding on surgical intervention, you should make sure that the kidney can not be returned to the place by traditional methods. To clarify the diagnosis, it is not enough to conduct an ultrasound - if it is done in the prone position, nephroptosis in the early stages will be invisible, and at the third degree the complete displacement pattern will be available only in the case of contrast x-ray diagnosis in several positions. How the kidney behaves during the movement and bends of the body, as well as the degree of stretching of the walls of the artery can be investigated only in this way.