Injury in the workplace

Injury received in the workplace is the infliction of harm to health that occurred during working hours (including during breaks and overtime work). Also under this term are injuries received during the journey to or from work, during business trips and business trips. Accidents that occurred with students who have been practicing with the employer are also considered to be occupational injuries.

Severity of injury at work

Classify the two types of injuries in the workplace in terms of severity. This is determined by the nature of the damage received, its consequences, the effect on the occurrence and aggravation of occupational and chronic diseases, the extent and duration of loss of legal capacity. So, distinguish:

1. Severe injuries at work - damage that seriously threatens the health and life of the affected person, which includes:

2. Light injuries at work - the rest, not so serious types of damage, for example:

The category of severity of occupational trauma is determined by the treatment-and-prophylactic institution where the injured worker is treated. At the request of the employer a special opinion is issued.

Depending on the nature of the damaging effect, the following injuries are identified:

A work injury can be caused by the fault of the employee or employer, which will later be clarified by a special commission. For example, eye injury in the workplace can be obtained by neglecting occupational safety rules if the employee does not use the available protection during the work process.

Workplace Injuries

Consider what to do to the injured, injured in the workplace, and what the employer's actions should be in doing so:

  1. If possible, you should inform the immediate supervisor as soon as possible. If there is no way to notify the employer yourself, this should be done through other people (for example, witnesses of the incident). The employer must, in turn, organize the provision of emergency care and transportation to a medical facility. He must also report the injury to the Social Insurance Fund and draw up a protocol.
  2. To account for and investigate the incident, a special commission is set up in the enterprise, consisting of at least three people. An investigation is being conducted into the degree of guilt of the employee based on the nature of the injury received, witnesses, results expertise, etc.
  3. In the case of an industrial injury of mild severity, the commission is required to issue an act on the accident at work for three days. If the injury is severe, then the act is drawn up for 15 days.
  4. The act is the basis for issuing a sheet of incapacity for work. The decision on assigning disability payments or refusing these payments in the event of an industrial injury is taken by the employer within ten days.
  5. If an employee is found guilty of what happened, but he does not agree, he has the right to apply to the court for this.