Strong sleep - treatment of insomnia with homeopathy

According to statistics, one in five people suffers from some form of insomnia. It can be difficult falling asleep, early awakening, frequent waking at night or complete disappearance of sleep. Even losing a normal sleep a few nights a week can significantly damage the functioning of the body and reduce the quality of life. Constant lack of sleep adversely affects the general condition of a person and can cause serious diseases.

Recognize this pathology easily on complaints of lack of sleep and lack of sleep, as well as the appearance of the patient: swelling under the eyes, red eyes, depression, lethargy. Often in such cases, people engage in self-medication, using sleeping pills. However, this is only a temporary way to get rid of the problem, because such medications do not relieve the cause of insomnia. In addition, there is a risk of addiction and dependence on such drugs. What causes insomnia and how to fight it?

Causes of insomnia

The causes of sleep disorder are many, and very important is their definition. The most common causes of insomnia are:

When to beat the alarm?

In some cases, you can get rid of insomnia by eliminating the factors that cause it, and following the proper hygiene of sleep. But if insomnia becomes chronic and does not respond to self-help strategies, then it is necessary to seek professional help.

A serious reason for consulting a specialist is:

Homeopathy against insomnia

As is known, homeopathy is a method of alternative medicine that provides for an integrated approach to the treatment of diseases. This approach is important in solving the problem of insomnia, because sleep disorders lead to imbalance of all body systems.

First of all, you need to find out the true cause of insomnia. To do this, a complete diagnosis of the body, including psychoanalysis. Diverse surveys are necessary to exclude serious diseases in which sleep disturbance is only a symptom.

For the treatment of insomnia in the arsenal of homeopathic remedies there are about 900 names of preparations. The type of medication and dosage is administered individually for each patient, depending on several factors. This eliminates the risk of side effects and habituation, and the contraindications for homeopathic remedies - a minimum.

Among the homeopathic remedies for insomnia, the most widespread are: Aconite, Arnica, Coffea, Nuks Vomica, Passiflora, Sulfur, and others.

Remember that the best effect of treatment is achieved with a positive attitude of the patient. Putting into bed, do not focus on your problem, focus on the idea of ​​how to fall asleep. According to the research, it is easiest to fall asleep, if you imagine peaceful pictures of nature before going to sleep.