Tomato juice - calorie content

Tomato juice is a favorite drink of a huge number of people for more than one decade. Useful properties of tomato juice, including calorie, are identical to tomatoes, but if you do not conduct any thermal treatments and do not add other ingredients.

Properties of tomato juice

This drink is recognized as one of the most useful for a person, as it improves the metabolism , and thanks to the content of coarse fibers it cleanses the intestines from the products of decay, which allows to significantly improve the activity of the digestive system. Tomato juice is useful, given the presence of lycopene - a natural antioxidant, which does not disappear even after heat treatment. Due to this, the drink improves the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, and also reduces the risk of oncological diseases. It is recommended to drink tomato juice from diabetics, since it has the ability to reduce sugar. Useful properties of this drink is confirmed and official medicine, so doctors recommend their patients to use 1 tbsp. a day with beriberi. Traditional healers offer a large number of recipes, which include tomato juice. For example, to get rid of cholelithiasis, it is recommended to combine in the same proportions juice and cabbage brine.

Now let's move on to energy value. To begin with, we know how many calories are in natural tomato juice. If you do not add anything to the drink, the energy value will be 21 kcal per 100 g. In addition, it should be borne in mind that there are different types of tomatoes that differ in sweetness. It will be useful to know how much kcal in tomato canned juice with salt. In this case, the value decreases and amounts to 17 kcal. However, during the thermal treatment many useful substances are destroyed. Knowing kcal / 100 g of tomato juice, you can easily calculate any necessary value, for example, the caloric value of 1 glass or the calorie content of the dish, which includes this drink.

Contraindications to tomato juice

It is not recommended to drink in case of individual intolerance to the components, as well as for allergy to red vegetables and fruits. It is worth considering the content of acids, which can trigger the movement of stones. To exclude a drink from a diet it is necessary at a stomach ulcer, a cholecystitis and a pancreatitis and at food poisonings.