The Solar Cross

The ancient Slavs revered the energy and power of the heavenly body, and therefore created different symbols that had to do with it. The Solar Cross is also called the Solar Cola. This symbol was used as an amulet not only by the Slavs, but also by other peoples of Europe. It involves four elements, which symbolize the life cycle.

Outwardly the symbol is similar to the Celestial Cross, but it rotates in the opposite direction. He has two overlapping lines, each of which greatly influences a person's life. These two guides represent two important events: the autumn and spring equinox, and the summer and winter solstice.

The ancient Slavs used the Solar Cross as a home guard for warriors, spiritual guides and forest keepers. The identical structure of the Heavenly and Solar Cross is a symbol of awareness of one's own self, of its origin and its capabilities.

Solar Cross - the meaning

This symbol accumulates the forces of generations and uses energy to protect a person who regularly wears a charm. The action of the amulet is enhanced by the energy of the Sun. In ancient times, people knew that the Solar Cross has tremendous power and magical opportunities that the Slavs used to perform various rituals and to cure various diseases. They also applied it to the upbringing of children. The Slavs used the amulet to make the house a full cup. He drives away evil and negative, preserves health and happiness . If it is a specific person, then he is endowed with wisdom, reason and confidence in the future and in his abilities.

The Sun Charm is recommended for people who have reached adulthood. On the young generation, this symbol has a negative effect, for example, there may be problems with the psyche, and the child will cease to be independent.

If an adult who respects his family chooses such a talisman for himself, then the secrets of the universe will be revealed to him. The Solar Cross helps to increase internal energy, therefore it is recommended to wear such a talisman during important events and during long journeys.

The symbol of the Sun Cross is recommended to be used as a talisman for teachers, athletes, soldiers and artists. He will become a talisman for parents, because thanks to his energy it will be possible to raise a good child.