Why not celebrate 13 years?

Birthday is for the most beloved, for many long-awaited, for some, a sad holiday. But in any case, only this day all the warmest words are dedicated to you. To celebrate this event is accepted almost in all cultures and this tradition for hundreds of years. However, there are many signs associated with the celebration of the birthday, and one of them says that if you celebrate the thirteenth birthday, you can call on yourself and your family's terrible misfortune.

Why not celebrate 13 years?

Superstitious people believe that this date can not be celebrated, because if our ancestors were afraid of this number, it means there were reasons. Well, skeptics on the contrary, believe that in this figure there is nothing mystical. Probably, there will never end disputes about whether it is possible to celebrate 13 years or not.

There are several reasons that can tell us why you can not celebrate 13 years:

  1. Since ancient times, the number 13 (a dozen dozen) is considered a symbol of misfortune, attracting evil spirits, which are sending people great problems, dangers and troubles.
  2. Many beliefs say that the soul of a person on the thirteenth birthday is the weakest and most vulnerable, which means that any curses and wishes on that day became spells and came true.
  3. Some scholars believe that it was on the 13th day that the most fateful biblical events took place, when Cain killed his brother Abel, and when they crucified Jesus.

All these reasons from the category of superstition, but rational explanation, why you can not celebrate 13 years, does not exist. Therefore, if you are not superstitious, you can allow your child to celebrate 13 years, just do not collect big noisy companies, watch the order among the children and, of course, do not allow alcohol. Then the celebration will pass quietly and cheerfully.