What does "90-60-90" look like?

"90-60-90" has long been almost for every woman for the coveted figure. Many girls sit on hard diets, just to reach these parameters, which most people only dream of. But still, one should not forget that all people have different figures, and if someone is born with about such parameters, then for another woman they can be just an unattainable dream. Let's take a closer look at how "90-60-90" looks, and whether such a figure is worth the effort that many women make to achieve it.

The ideal figure, or "90-60-90"

In general, there is an opinion that such a standard of a beautiful female figure came from the ancient times from Venus of Milo, and if we take a closer time to us, then the model of beauty is still Merlin Monroe , who had such parameters of the figure. But pay attention to the fact that both these beauties were of small height, and, accordingly, the figure "90-60-90" is, in essence, lush feminine forms. And now the thinness is fashionable, and therefore models with a growth of almost two meters with such parameters simply can not be pyschkami! And all this because fashion designers are much more convenient to sew clothes for tall and graceful girls, on which everything will look just perfect. But there are also women who do not have cherished "90-60-90" and high growth. What should they do?

How to achieve "90-60-90"?

In order to boast an ideal model figure you need to carefully monitor yourself. First, food. Nothing fried, fatty, sweet and floury. Eating is best five times a day, but with small portions. Secondly, sports. It is advisable to visit the fitness club every day or, at least, make a full charge at home. Third, massage. A variety of massages and wraps will help disperse the accumulated fat.

But the most important thing you should always remember about - every person is unique and should love himself for who he is, then he will cause and the admiration of others. In addition, it is worth noting that all men have different tastes, and if someone likes thin girls, that is, those who prefer more lush forms.