Belarusian national clothes

National clothes of Belarus are a direct reflection of the geographical features of this country, its climate, as well as socio-economic components. The main criteria for any clothing is protection from heat and cold, as well as compliance with moral principles and aesthetic requirements. In addition, the clothes reflected the social position in society, and by style and decoration it was possible to determine the marital status and age of a person.

History of Belarusian clothing

In the national clothes of the Belarusians, the nature of this nation, its views on the world around them and life were reflected. White things from flax are the main kind of clothes in which the Belarusian peasant spent almost his whole life. According to some information, the name "Belarus" was due to the fact that the favorite color of this nation in all centuries was white.

Belarusians have long been guided by their traditions in wearing clothes - on weekdays the costume was one, for holidays - the other. For example, during the post they wore a "pacian" suit, in the decoration of which a red color was involved. The most elegant dressed for holidays associated with labor in the fields or the first pasture of livestock to pastures.

Women's national Belarusian clothing

The woman has long been associated not only with natural beauty, but also with modesty and diligence. Before getting married, the girl wove and embroidered towels, shirts, belts for her family and her future husband's family, and all this was adorned with embroidery. Thus, she proved her skills and her love for work. The strictest suit was to be worn by a woman before the birth of the first-born. Women's clothing is the most beautiful and traditional part of the applied folk art of Belarus, in which the foundations and aesthetic tastes of the nation were reflected.