Children's sports complexes for home

It's unlikely that there will be a child who would not like to jump, run, climb and arrange a mess at home. Therefore, many mothers think about how to do it so as not to restrict the motor activity of the child? The way out of the situation is the installation of a children's sports complex for the home.

What is it - DSC?

If the living space allows, the best option for classes will be a home children's sports complex. This will allow you to get to know the baby with different sporting gears quite early.

As a rule, the sports corner includes several shells for various exercises. An integral part of any such complex is the Swedish wall, the crossbeam, the rings, and in some cases there is a rope.

How to choose a complex?

The process of choosing a children's home sports complex is rather complicated. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the material from which the shells are made: metal or wood, and also take into account and the way of fastening - in the spacer or directly to the wall.

The most commonly used for installing the house are wooden sports complexes for children. The fact is that, from the aesthetic point of view, it looks much more attractive than metal. In addition, and it is much cheaper. However, the reliability and durability of its slightly smaller than the metal. As a rule, all of them are attached only to the wall. The maximum permissible weight that they can withstand is 60-75 kg.

The metal home sports complex is much more reliable than the wooden one. Due to the fact that the metal has the ability to slide, all steps in such installations must necessarily have rubber lining. If space allows, you can install a large complex, which will be able to deal with both mom and dad, since it easily withstands the load of 100-120 kg. At the same time, the kid will be happy that his parents are also involved with him. Such pursuits will only promote rapprochement with the baby.

If, on the contrary, the apartment is small, and there is no special place, then you can confine yourself to installing the well-known Swedish wall . However, because of the design features, the kid can not do it himself, he will not reach the crossbar himself.

It is necessary to pay attention to the completeness. Today, most home sports corners for children are completed according to the wishes of the customer. Therefore, parents themselves have the right to choose: install rings or, for example, a swing.

Shells that must be part of the complex

As stated earlier, the number of shells that must enter the home sports complex for children, directly depends on the availability of free space. Therefore, the most common are those that are easy to install and yet quite compact.

  1. A rope ladder is an excellent projectile, where the child will improve the coordination of his movements. In addition, during the training the vestibular apparatus develops.
  2. Classes on the rope will help to strengthen the muscular apparatus of the upper and lower extremities.
  3. In any home walled children's sports complex there is also a so-called gon - a crossbeam with two crossbars. This shell is used for pulling up and strengthening the muscles of the hands.

Security of the complex

An important factor in the employment of children at such complexes is compliance with safety regulations. So, when performing exercises at the height of the parents must constantly hedge the child, holding it. Also, it is not superfluous to lay the mats on the floor, which will soften the blows in the fall.