Physical development of children

One of the main indicators of the health status of all children is their physical development. By this term is usually understood the totality of morphological, as well as functional properties of the young organism, which together reflect the process of its maturation. Immediate impact on the indicators of physical development of children, as well as adolescents, have various diseases, in particular endocrine disorders (acromegaly, gigantism), chronic diseases (for example, rheumatism ).

What indicators are used to assess the physical development of children?

To characterize physical development, as a rule, somatoscopic, physiometric and anthropometric characters are used.

The main somatoscopic signs used to assess the indicators of the physical development of children include: the state of the muscular system, the degree of sexual development.

The group of anthropometric signs include height, body weight, and also - the circumference of the head, thorax.

Among the physiometric parameters for determining the level of physical development, take into account the vital capacity of the lungs, muscle strength and blood pressure.

How do you evaluate the parameters of physical development?

To assess the level of physical development of children, in particular, early age, take into account such parameters as: height, weight, chest volume, head circumference.

So, depending on their ratio, allocate:

So, with a harmonious development, all indicators should correspond to the norm, or differ from them by no more than 1 sigma. Disharmonic physical development of preschool children is observed when the indices differ from those due to 1.1-2 sigma. With sharply disharmonious development, these indicators exceed the norm by 2.1 or more sigma.