Biscuit dough

From a huge assortment of confectionery products, a significant proportion accounted for desserts, cooked on the basis of a biscuit test. As otherwise, its airy and gentle structure, perfectly combined with any cream or other components that complement its taste, allows you to create more and more sweet masterpieces.

We offer some options for making a biscuit test and as a consequence - the basis of many future desserts.

How to make a biscuit dough for a cake at home - a recipe?



Biscuit dough is very whimsical and requires compliance with a number of mandatory conditions. Eggs used to make it must be fresh and correctly processed. The dishes, in which we will whisk them, it is necessary to degrease. To do this, we will boil it for several minutes, and let it dry off the moisture residues. The duration of the whipping process is also very important. First whisk them for fifteen minutes, gradually increasing the speed, and then pour a little sugar and process the mixer at the highest speed for at least the same time. Only after that we add to the sweet, lush egg mass to taste vanilla, starch and a measured amount of sifted wheat flour. We mix dry ingredients with accurate movements from the bottom up, to get a uniform biscuit liquid enough batter.

Now it only remains to bring it to readiness. To do this, the oiled, split form is lined with baking paper and poured into it the cooked dough. After fifty minutes of a quiet stay in a preheated to 185 degree oven, the biscuit dough will be ready.

If your oven assumes a quick browning of the top of the items, then cover the form before starting to prepare the foil and remove it in about thirty minutes. Earlier, open the oven is not recommended.

With all the recommendations, the biscuit dough will never settle and will please you with its splendor.

Before using the dough to form cakes, it is necessary to keep it for at least eight hours, wrapped with a towel. Otherwise, it will crumble excessively.

Biscuit dough for charlotte in a multivark



Our favorite charlotte, as is known, is also prepared from a biscuit test. Only in consistency it is slightly thicker, and in the finished form is denser. Most often, a baking powder is added to the charlotte dough, but if you bake a cake in a multivarquet, you can do without it. A miracle device creates such conditions that a well-beaten egg mass already perfectly rises and gives ultimately a magnificent result of a ready-made dish.

To make such a test, beat the eggs with a mixer to the splendor, be sure to observe the requirements for the used dishes, which we mentioned in the previous recipe. It should be clean, dry and not contain a drop of fat on the surface. Then add the sugar, vanilla and whisk again until the sweet crystals are completely dissolved. Now sprinkle the sifted wheat flour and mix it very gently until the flour balls are completely dissolved. It is better to do this manually with a halo.

It remains only to put the desired fruit filling on the bottom of the multivark, fill it with the received test and turn on the "Baking" mode for fifty minutes.