Diskusy - content and care, important rules for aquarists

Relatively large aquarium fish are discus, the content and care of which implies the observance of a number of rules. The shape of their body is discoid, with which the name of these water inhabitants is connected. Specialists note the moody character of decorative rocks.

Types of discus

The name of subspecies is directly related to their features of appearance, behavior or origin. It should be noted that the conditions for keeping fish of different types of discus are almost identical. The most beautiful and popular options include:

  1. Pigeon blood. This is an artificial hybrid that appeared in Thailand. The scales are colored white with wavy strips of red color. The same shade in the discus eye and strip on the fin.
  2. Green. The natural species found in the Amazon. The color of the discus varies from light brown to green. Depending on the conditions of the content, a hue of yellow, orange or red may appear. There are black bands on the body.
  3. Leopard. Artificially excreted rock has the most effective form of the body. It is worth noting the original color, so on a white background the small spots of red are chaotically located. In the care of discus, you need to consider that they are sensitive to lighting.
  4. Snow White. Another hybrid was introduced in Malaysia. He has a white body color with neon flicker.

How many discus live in the aquarium?

The life span is directly related to their subspecies and family. Still there are a number of nuances that affect this indicator. According to the average values, with the right content, the discus will live from 10 to 18 years. To shorten the lifetime may be increased water temperatures because the higher the value, the more rapidly metabolic processes in the body fish. Shortening the life expectancy is still such factors: overfeeding, frequent stresses, a rare change of water and unfriendly neighbors.

Contents of discus in the aquarium

To fish did not hurt, multiply and enjoy their beauty, it is necessary to comply with a number of requirements for care and maintenance.

  1. Of great importance is the purity of water, but the increased value of organic substances is unacceptable. Once a week, substitute up to 20-30% of water, and in the case of growing fry, replacement is important every day.
  2. For proper maintenance of aquarium fish discus prepare for a constant cleaning of the bottom and removal of organic residues. The procedure must be every day, but better after each feeding.
  3. Note that discus live in dark places, so bright lighting is unacceptable. The ideal option is soft and diffuse light, and the bottom should be dark.
  4. It will be nice to feel the discus, the content and care of which are carried out according to the rules, so, please note that it is better to give preference to artificial plants and plastic decor, for example, snags .

Discus aquarium - dimensions

If you want to decorate your house with beautiful exotics, then you should take care of buying a large vessel. Experts believe that the minimum water rate per adult is at least 40 liters, but it is better if the value is 50 liters or more. A large discus aquarium provides good growth for its inhabitants and maintains the basic water parameters.

How to prepare an aquarium for discus?

Bought a vessel should be located away from direct sunlight, which can increase the temperature of the liquid. Clean the walls with soda or other detergent that is not poisonous. After installation, make sure that the container is level. To develop well discus, content and care include a number of requirements:

  1. It is better to buy a company primer , which you just need to wash in running water. If you want to use live plants, you should consider that its level should be at least 3-4 cm.
  2. When choosing a filter , please note that its performance for proper maintenance and care must be above two volumes of capacity. When buying a heater, note that 1 liter should be 1 W.
  3. Decoration of the aquarium with discus begins with the laying of soil and decorations. Fill the vessel with tap water and standing for three days with water. Install all equipment and set the desired temperature on the thermostat. The filter can not be turned off even at night.
  4. On the fourth day, take water samples and the indicators should tend to zero. After this, you can plant a few unpretentious plants in the ground, note that they must carry elevated temperatures.
  5. First, on the sixth day for inspection it is recommended to populate simple fish, for example, neon or ancistrus . In four days you can feed the inhabitants. Observe their condition. On day 12, it is allowed to start the discus.

The temperature of the discus content

The best climate for the content is a tropical climate, in which water is used at a temperature of 28-32 ° C. In the aquarium, the discus, the water in which the below listed indicators, will often ache. In some cases it is necessary to raise the temperature to 35 ° C for medical and preventive measures, but this should not last more than three days. While engaged in duplication of discus, maintenance and care indicate that they will survive short-term increases in values ​​of up to 37 ° C, but not more than three hours.

Discussions - compatibility with other fish

Although such fishes are capricious, it is considered peaceful and they can be planted in whole flocks of 6-8 individuals or more. Loneliness discus suffer badly. When content of discus with other fish should take into account a number of features:

  1. This species is bright and slow, so their active neighbors will alarm them.
  2. To keep discus, a high temperature is needed, which is unacceptable for a large number of other species.
  3. Diskusy have weak immunity, so unsuccessful populations are a serious threat. Specialists recommend keeping them in a separate tank.
  4. If you want to have different aquarium inhabitants, it is recommended to give preference to the heat-loving species, which normally tolerate soft and slightly acidic high temperature water. Successful neighbors: aphistogram Ramirezi , red neon, fish of Congo and soma tarakatumy. It is forbidden to populate large and predatory inhabitants, but also soms and corridors.

What to feed discus?

It is best for the diet of such fish to choose animal feed that can be frozen and alive. To feed the discus suits a pipe man, a bloodworm, a coretra and others. In pet stores you can find special food for discus, and many more are preparing minced meat, which include different types of meat, seafood, vitamins, vegetables and so on. Carrying out the care, remember that it is important to choose the right dosage so that there is no protein waste left at the bottom that emits ammonia and nitrates.

Feeding the fish fry

A few days after birth, young animals move to their parents to feed on their skin secretions. If the parents are calm, then you can not rush with additional feeding, since a healthy individual can feed his offspring up to 10 days. If the aquarium is inhabited by weak fishes, discus, then you should start feeding the fry for 3-5 days. It is better to give preference to the naoplias of the Cyclops and rotifers. In the rules of care indicated that in a few days you can use for feed artemia, which should be given often, but in small portions.

Diskusy - reproduction

To fish gave offspring, you need to take care of proper maintenance and care. First, prepare water for spawning grounds, which should be as soft as possible (2-3 degrees) and slightly acid (6-6,2). It is important to ensure constant muted lighting, for example, use a low-power incandescent lamp. The couple, ready to spawn, will stick together, clean the roe pad and periodically bow to each other. Breeding discus means that with one pair you can get up to 100-150 fry. For a season discus lay eggs every 8-10 days, and even more often.

Young couples can eat pending laying. In most cases, after several unsuccessful spawning, you can get the result. Mating occurs more often in the evening and the marriage games are not lengthy. When the work is done, the male, who hangs over the masonry, will care for the future offspring and fan it with his pectoral fin. Rarely the task is performed by both parents. If the water temperature is 30 ° C, then in two days the eggs will turn dark, and after the same time the first larvae will appear.

Spawning of discus in a common aquarium

Specialists do not recommend breeding in a common vessel. The reason lies in the fact that the "neighbors" will simply hinder the discus, frightening them. In addition, fish can enjoy delicious caviar in a few hours, and the offspring can not wait. Ideal conditions for breeding discus means the transplantation of a couple into a separate spawning ground, where they can fulfill the task assigned to them. In addition, it will be more convenient to provide the necessary care for potential parents and fry.